45 lines
1.5 KiB
Raw Normal View History

.. _peripherals:
Used Peripheral Modules
This section lists all the used peripheral modules of the ``STM32F407VxT6``.
Core Peripherals
- ``SysTick``: Generating a 100us tick for the LCD routine and 1ms base system tick.
- ``NVIC``: Interrupt controller
- ``FPU``: The Flaoting Point Unit is activated and used in this formware.
AHB Peripherals
- ``DMA2``
- ``Stream0``: DMA transfer of PT1000 measurement ADC to memory
- ``Stream4``: DMA transfer of Safety ADC measurement values
- ``Stream5``: Shell UART RX
- ``Stream7``: Shell UART TX
- ``RNG``: Random number generation for stack corruption / overflow checker.
- ``CRC``: CRC verfication of various data (Safety structures, EEPROM data, Safety RAM)
- ``Backup RAM``: Backup RAM storing errors and bootloader information beyond system resets. The memory is cleared by a power cycle!
ABP1 Peripherals
- ``IWDG``: Independent Watchdog
- ``TIM2``: PT1000 measurement ADC sample time generation timer. Genewrates the 1 KHz sample trigger to the ADC peripheral via the internal event routing system.
- ``TIM3``: PWM timer for oven relais output.
- ``TIM5``: Input capture for rotary encoder.
- ``TIM7``: Timer for loudspeaker tone generation.
APB2 Peripherals
- ``SPI1``: SPI for external SPI-EEPROM
- ``SDIO``: SD card interface
- ``USART1``: Shell UART
- ``ADC1``: Safety ADC for monitoring voltages
- ``ADC3``: PT1000 measurement ADC