#ifndef __SYSTICK_H__ #define __SYSTICK_H__ #include /** * @brief Reload value for the systick timer. * * This value has to be configured to set the systick to a one milliscond tick interval * The default value is 168000, which results in a 1ms tick for 168 MHz CPU speed */ #define SYSTICK_RELOAD (168000UL) /** * @brief Variable used by the systick_wait_ms function */ extern volatile uint32_t wait_tick_ms; /** * @brief Systemclock in milliseconds. * * This value must not be reset during the whole runtime. * */ extern volatile uint64_t global_tick_ms; /** * @brief Setup the Systick timer to generate a 1 ms tick */ void systick_setup(void); /** * @brief Wait for x milliseconds * * This function is not reentrant and must not be called from an interrupt * * @warning Do not use in interrupt context * @param ms wait time in ms */ void systick_wait_ms(uint32_t ms); #endif /* __SYSTICK_H__ */