{% extends 'base.html' %} {% load qr_code %} {% load static %} {% load crispy_forms_tags %} {% load storage_tags %} {% block content %}
{% qr_from_text object.get_qr_code size="m" image_format="svg" %}

{{storage.name}} {% if storage.verbose_name %} ({{storage.verbose_name}}) {% endif %} {% if storage.is_template %} (template) {% endif %}

{% if object.parent_storage %}

Sub-Storages Parent Storage {% else %}

Sub-Storages Stock Overview {% endif %} {% if storage.template %} Template {% endif %}

{% include 'paginator.html' with paginator=storages get_param='storage_page' aria_label='Storage Page Navigation' %}

Stocked Components

{% for stock in stocks %}
  • {% if stock.component.get_resolved_image %} {{ low.component.name }} {% else %} {% load static %} {{ low.component.name }} {% endif %}
    {{ stock.component.name }}
    {% if stock.component.package %} Package: {{stock.component.package}}
    {% endif %} {% if stock.component.manufacturer %} Manufacturer: {{stock.component.manufacturer}} {% endif %} {% if stock.storage != storage %}
    {{ stock.storage|get_relative_storage_path:storage }}
    {% endif %} {% if stock.lot %}
    Lot: {{stock.lot}}
    {% endif %}
    {{ stock.component.dynamic_description }}
    {% qr_from_text stock.get_qr_code size="6" image_format="svg" %}
    Amount: {{stock.amount}} {% if stock.watermark >= 0 %}
    Watermark: {{stock.watermark}} {% else %}
    No Watermark
    {% endif %}
    {% csrf_token %}
  • {% endfor %}
    {% include 'paginator.html' with paginator=stocks get_param='stock_page' aria_label='Stock Page Navigation' %}
    {% for stock in stocks_with_forms %} {% include 'parts/modals/update-stock-modal.html' with stock=stock.object form=change_stock_form relocate_form=stock.relocate_form %} {% endfor %} {% with add_storage_form as form %} {% include 'parts/modals/add-substorage-modal.html' %} {% endwith %} {% with change_storage_form as form %} {% include 'parts/modals/change-storage-modal.html' %} {% endwith %} {% with delete_storage_errors as err_msgs %} {% include 'parts/modals/delete-storage-modal.html' %} {% endwith %} {% with add_stock_form as form %} {% include 'parts/modals/add-stock-modal.html' %} {% endwith %}
    {% endblock content %} {% block custom_scripts %} {% endblock custom_scripts %}