{% if stock.component.package %}
Package: {{stock.component.package}}
{% endif %}
{% if stock.component.manufacturer %}
Manufacturer: {{stock.component.manufacturer}}
{% endif %}
{% if stock.lot %}
Lot: {{stock.lot}}
{% endif %}
Amount: {{stock.amount}}
{% if stock.watermark >= 0 %}
Watermark: {{stock.watermark}}
{% else %}
No Watermark
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% include 'paginator.html' with paginator=stocks get_param='stock_page' aria_label='Stock Page Navigation' %}
{% for stock in stocks %}
{% include 'parts/modals/update-stock-modal.html' with stock=stock form=change_stock_form %}
{% endfor %}
{% with add_storage_form as form %}
{% include 'parts/modals/new-substorage-modal.html' %}
{% endwith %}
{% with delete_storage_errors as err_msgs %}
{% include 'parts/modals/delete-storage-modal.html' %}
{% endwith %}
{% with add_stock_form as form %}
{% include 'parts/modals/add-stock-modal.html' %}
{% endwith %}