const autocomplete_query_delay_ms = 60; class AutocompleteCustomUi { static create_media_div(img_src, text_nodes) { var ui = document.createElement('div'); ui.setAttribute('class', 'd-flex align-items-center'); var img_div = document.createElement('div'); img_div.setAttribute('class', 'flex-shrink-0'); var img = document.createElement('img'); if (img_src != null && img_src != undefined && img_src != '') { img.setAttribute('src', img_src); img.setAttribute('class', 'component-img-small'); } else { img.setAttribute('src', fallback_img_path); img.setAttribute('class', 'component-img-def-small'); } img_div.appendChild(img); ui.appendChild(img_div); var text_div = document.createElement('div'); text_div.setAttribute('class', 'ms-3'); if (text_nodes != undefined) { for (var i = 0; i < text_nodes.length; i++) { text_div.appendChild(text_nodes[i]); } } ui.appendChild(text_div) return ui } constructor(text_id, dropdown_id, query_function) { this.text_id = text_id; this.dropdown_id = dropdown_id; this.query_callback = query_function.bind(this); document.getElementById(text_id).addEventListener("keyup", this.ac_delay(function(event) { if (event.key != 'Enter') { this.query_callback(document.getElementById(this.text_id).value, this); } }, autocomplete_query_delay_ms).bind(this)); this.dropdown_data = {}; } /** * * @param {*} nodes_to_add A list of dictionaries containing the shown objects and the data called when clicked. * * The list: {{'ui': , 'data': 'my_data'}, {}, ...} * */ show_results(nodes_to_add, data_clicked_callback) { var ul = document.getElementById(this.dropdown_id); ul.innerHTML = ''; this.select_data = {}; this.dropdown_data = {}; for (var i = 0; i < nodes_to_add.length; i++) { var ui = nodes_to_add[i]['ui']; var data = nodes_to_add[i]['data'] var dropdown_node = document.createElement('li'); dropdown_node.dataset.ac_clicked = i; this.dropdown_data[i] = data; dropdown_node.addEventListener('click', (e) => { data_clicked_callback(this.dropdown_data[e.currentTarget.dataset.ac_clicked]); var text_box = document.getElementById(this.text_id); var dropdown = bootstrap.Dropdown.getOrCreateInstance(text_box); dropdown.hide(); }); dropdown_node.setAttribute('class', 'dropdown-item'); dropdown_node.appendChild(ui); ul.appendChild(dropdown_node); } var dropdown = bootstrap.Dropdown.getOrCreateInstance(document.getElementById(this.text_id));; } ac_delay(callback, ms) { var timer = 0; return function() { var context = this, args = arguments; clearTimeout(timer); timer = setTimeout(function() { callback.apply(context, args); }, ms || 0); }; } } class AutocompleteText extends AutocompleteCustomUi { show_results(results) { var ul = document.getElementById(this.dropdown_id); ul.innerHTML = ''; for (var i = 0; i < results.length; i++) { var node = document.createElement('li'); node.setAttribute('class', 'dropdown-item'); node.appendChild(document.createTextNode(results[i])); ul.appendChild(node); node.addEventListener('click', (e) => { var element =; var text_box = document.getElementById(this.text_id); text_box.value = element.innerHTML; var dropdown = bootstrap.Dropdown.getOrCreateInstance(text_box); dropdown.hide(); } ); } if (results.length == 0) { var node = document.createElement('li'); node.setAttribute('class', 'dropdown-item text-danger'); node.appendChild(document.createTextNode('No results')); ul.appendChild(node); } var dropdown = bootstrap.Dropdown.getOrCreateInstance(document.getElementById(this.text_id));; } }