Improvements to lexer inheritance
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,5 +1,83 @@
Version 0.3
4/1/2018 Support for Lexer inheritance added. For example:
from sly import Lexer
class BaseLexer(Lexer):
tokens = { NAME, NUMBER }
ignore = ' \t'
NAME = r'[a-zA-Z]+'
NUMBER = r'\d+'
class ChildLexer(BaseLexer):
tokens = { PLUS, MINUS }
PLUS = r'\+'
MINUS = r'-'
In this example, the ChildLexer class gets all of the tokens
from the parent class (BaseLexer) in addition to the new
definitions it added of its own.
One quirk of Lexer inheritance is that definition order has
an impact on the low-level regular expression parsing. By
default new definitions are always processed AFTER any previous
definitions. You can change this using the before() function
like this:
class GrandChildLexer(ChildLexer):
PLUSPLUS = before(PLUS, r'\+\+')
MINUSMINUS = before(MINUS, r'--')
In this example, the PLUSPLUS token is checked before the
PLUS token in the base class. Thus, an input text of '++'
will be parsed as a single token PLUSPLUS, not two PLUS tokens.
4/1/2018 Better support lexing states. Each lexing state can be defined as
as a separate class. Use the begin(cls) method to switch to a
different state. For example:
from sly import Lexer
class LexerA(Lexer):
tokens = { NAME, NUMBER, LBRACE }
ignore = ' \t'
NAME = r'[a-zA-Z]+'
NUMBER = r'\d+'
LBRACE = r'\{'
def LBRACE(self, t):
return t
class LexerB(Lexer):
tokens = { PLUS, MINUS, RBRACE }
ignore = ' \t'
PLUS = r'\+'
MINUS = r'-'
RBRACE = r'\}'
def RBRACE(self, t):
return t
In this example, LexerA switches to a new state LexerB when
a left brace ({) is encountered. The begin() method causes
the state transition. LexerB switches back to state LexerA
when a right brace (}) is encountered.
An option to the begin() method, you can also use push_state(cls)
and pop_state(cls) methods. This manages the lexing states as a
stack. The pop_state() method will return back to the previous
lexing state.
1/27/2018 Tokens no longer have to be specified as strings. For example, you
can now write:
@ -80,48 +80,64 @@ class Token(object):
class TokenStr(str):
def __new__(cls, value):
def __new__(cls, value, key=None, remap=None):
self = super().__new__(cls, value)
if isinstance(value, TokenStr):
self.remap = dict(value.remap)
self.before = value.before
self.remap = { }
self.before = None
self.key = key
self.remap = remap
return self
# Implementation of TOKEN[value] = NEWTOKEN
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
self.remap[key] = value
if self.remap is not None:
self.remap[self.key, key] = value
# Implementation of del TOKEN[value]
def __delitem__(self, key):
del self.remap[key]
if self.remap is not None:
self.remap[self.key, key] = self.key
class _Before:
def __init__(self, tok, pattern):
self.tok = tok
self.pattern = pattern
class LexerMetaDict(dict):
Special dictionary that prohibits duplicate definitions in lexer specifications.
def __init__(self):
self.before = { }
self.delete = [ ]
self.remap = { }
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
if isinstance(value, str):
value = TokenStr(value)
value = TokenStr(value, key, self.remap)
if isinstance(value, _Before):
self.before[key] = value.tok
value = TokenStr(value.pattern, key, self.remap)
if key in self and not isinstance(value, property):
prior = self[key]
if isinstance(prior, str):
if callable(value):
value.pattern = prior
value.remap = getattr(prior, 'remap', None)
# raise AttributeError(f'Name {key} redefined')
raise AttributeError(f'Name {key} redefined')
super().__setitem__(key, value)
def __delitem__(self, key):
if key not in self and key.isupper():
return super().__delitem__(key)
def __getitem__(self, key):
if key not in self and key.split('ignore_')[-1].isupper() and key[:1] != '_':
return key
return TokenStr(key, key, self.remap)
return super().__getitem__(key)
@ -144,22 +160,24 @@ class LexerMeta(type):
return func
return decorate
def before(tok, pattern):
value = TokenStr(pattern)
value.before = tok
return value
d['_'] = _
d['before'] = before
d['before'] = _Before
return d
def __new__(meta, clsname, bases, attributes):
del attributes['_']
clsattributes = { key: str(val) if isinstance(val, TokenStr) else val
for key, val in attributes.items() }
cls = super().__new__(meta, clsname, bases, clsattributes)
# Record the original definition environment
cls._attributes = attributes
del attributes['before']
# Create attributes for use in the actual class body
cls_attributes = { str(key): str(val) if isinstance(val, TokenStr) else val
for key, val in attributes.items() }
cls = super().__new__(meta, clsname, bases, cls_attributes)
# Attach various metadata to the class
cls._attributes = dict(attributes)
cls._remap = attributes.remap
cls._before = attributes.before
cls._delete = attributes.delete
return cls
@ -169,10 +187,13 @@ class Lexer(metaclass=LexerMeta):
literals = set()
ignore = ''
reflags = 0
_token_names = set()
_token_funcs = {}
_ignored_tokens = set()
_remapping = {}
_delete = {}
_remap = {}
# Internal attributes
__state_stack = None
@ -180,36 +201,63 @@ class Lexer(metaclass=LexerMeta):
def _collect_rules(cls):
Collect all of the rules from class definitions that look like tokens
definitions = list(cls._attributes.items())
# Collect all of the rules from class definitions that look like token
# information. There are a few things that govern this:
# 1. Any definition of the form NAME = str is a token if NAME is
# is defined in the tokens set.
# 2. Any definition of the form ignore_NAME = str is a rule for an ignored
# token.
# 3. Any function defined with a 'pattern' attribute is treated as a rule.
# Such functions can be created with the @_ decorator or by defining
# function with the same name as a previously defined string.
# This function is responsible for keeping rules in order.
# Collect all previous rules from base classes
rules = []
# Collect all of the previous rules from base classes
for base in cls.__bases__:
if isinstance(base, LexerMeta):
# Dictionary of previous rules
existing = dict(rules)
for key, value in definitions:
if (key in cls.tokens) or key.startswith('ignore_') or hasattr(value, 'pattern'):
for key, value in cls._attributes.items():
if (key in cls._token_names) or key.startswith('ignore_') or hasattr(value, 'pattern'):
if callable(value) and not hasattr(value, 'pattern'):
raise LexerBuildError(f"function {value} doesn't have a regex pattern")
if key in existing:
# The definition matches something that already existed in the base class.
# We replace it, but keep the original ordering
n = rules.index((key, existing[key]))
rules[n] = (key, value)
existing[key] = value
elif isinstance(value, TokenStr) and value.before in existing:
n = rules.index((value.before, existing[value.before]))
rules.insert(n, (key, value))
elif isinstance(value, TokenStr) and key in cls._before:
before = cls._before[key]
if before in existing:
# Position the token before another specified token
n = rules.index((before, existing[before]))
rules.insert(n, (key, value))
# Put at the end of the rule list
rules.append((key, value))
existing[key] = value
rules.append((key, value))
existing[key] = value
elif isinstance(value, str) and not key.startswith('_') and key not in {'ignore'}:
elif isinstance(value, str) and not key.startswith('_') and key not in {'ignore', 'literals'}:
raise LexerBuildError(f'{key} does not match a name in tokens')
return rules
# Apply deletion rules
rules = [ (key, value) for key, value in rules if key not in cls._delete ]
cls._rules = rules
def _build(cls):
@ -220,24 +268,30 @@ class Lexer(metaclass=LexerMeta):
if 'tokens' not in vars(cls):
raise LexerBuildError(f'{cls.__qualname__} class does not define a tokens attribute')
# Pull definitions created for any parent classes
cls._token_names = cls._token_names | set(cls.tokens)
cls._ignored_tokens = set(cls._ignored_tokens)
cls._token_funcs = dict(cls._token_funcs)
cls._remapping = dict(cls._remapping)
cls._remapping.update({ key: val.remap for key, val in cls._attributes.items()
if getattr(val, 'remap', None) })
# Build a set of all remapped tokens
remapped_tokens = set()
for toks in cls._remapping.values():
for (key, val), newtok in cls._remap.items():
if key not in cls._remapping:
cls._remapping[key] = {}
cls._remapping[key][val] = newtok
undefined = remapped_tokens - set(cls.tokens)
remapped_toks = set()
for d in cls._remapping.values():
undefined = remapped_toks - set(cls._token_names)
if undefined:
missing = ', '.join(undefined)
raise LexerBuildError(f'{missing} not included in token(s)')
parts = []
for tokname, value in cls._collect_rules():
for tokname, value in cls._rules:
if tokname.startswith('ignore_'):
tokname = tokname[7:]
@ -247,9 +301,7 @@ class Lexer(metaclass=LexerMeta):
elif callable(value):
cls._token_funcs[tokname] = value
pattern = getattr(value, 'pattern', None)
if not pattern:
pattern = getattr(value, 'pattern')
# Form the regular expression component
part = f'(?P<{tokname}>{pattern})'
@ -338,6 +390,7 @@ class Lexer(metaclass=LexerMeta):
index = m.end()
tok.value =
tok.type = m.lastgroup
if tok.type in _remapping:
tok.type = _remapping[tok.type].get(tok.value, tok.type)
Reference in New Issue
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