mirror of
synced 2025-02-22 06:03:31 +01:00
Clara cleanups
* Clara is now split between a header and a cpp file. * Removed the deprecated `+` and `+=` operators for composing a parser. * Renamed `clara` and `detail` namespaces to be inline with the rest of Catch2 (they are now `Clara` and `Detail` respectively). * Taken most of user-exposed types out of the `Detail` namespace completely (instead of using `using` directives to bring them into the outer namespace).
This commit is contained in:
@ -44,7 +44,6 @@ set(INTERNAL_HEADERS
@ -138,6 +137,7 @@ set(IMPL_SOURCES
@ -40,7 +40,6 @@
#include <catch2/interfaces/catch_interfaces_all.hpp>
#include <catch2/internal/catch_assertion_handler.hpp>
#include <catch2/internal/catch_clara.hpp>
#include <catch2/internal/catch_clara_upstream.hpp>
#include <catch2/internal/catch_commandline.hpp>
#include <catch2/internal/catch_common.hpp>
#include <catch2/internal/catch_compiler_capabilities.hpp>
@ -176,7 +176,7 @@ namespace Catch {
if( m_startupExceptions )
return 1;
auto result = m_cli.parse( clara::Args( argc, argv ) );
auto result = m_cli.parse( Clara::Args( argc, argv ) );
if( !result ) {
@ -239,10 +239,10 @@ namespace Catch {
return exitCode;
clara::Parser const& Session::cli() const {
Clara::Parser const& Session::cli() const {
return m_cli;
void Session::cli( clara::Parser const& newParser ) {
void Session::cli( Clara::Parser const& newParser ) {
m_cli = newParser;
ConfigData& Session::configData() {
@ -42,14 +42,14 @@ namespace Catch {
int run();
clara::Parser const& cli() const;
void cli( clara::Parser const& newParser );
Clara::Parser const& cli() const;
void cli( Clara::Parser const& newParser );
ConfigData& configData();
Config& config();
int runInternal();
clara::Parser m_cli;
Clara::Parser m_cli;
ConfigData m_configData;
Detail::unique_ptr<Config> m_config;
bool m_startupExceptions = false;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,428 @@
#include <algorithm>
#include <catch2/internal/catch_clara.hpp>
#include <catch2/internal/catch_console_width.hpp>
#include <catch2/internal/catch_platform.hpp>
#include <catch2/internal/catch_string_manip.hpp>
#include <catch2/internal/catch_textflow.hpp>
namespace {
bool isOptPrefix( char c ) {
return c == '-'
|| c == '/'
std::string normaliseOpt( std::string const& optName ) {
if ( optName[0] == '/' )
return "-" + optName.substr( 1 );
return optName;
} // namespace
namespace Catch {
namespace Clara {
namespace Detail {
void TokenStream::loadBuffer() {
// Skip any empty strings
while ( it != itEnd && it->empty() ) {
if ( it != itEnd ) {
auto const& next = *it;
if ( isOptPrefix( next[0] ) ) {
auto delimiterPos = next.find_first_of( " :=" );
if ( delimiterPos != std::string::npos ) {
{ TokenType::Option,
next.substr( 0, delimiterPos ) } );
{ TokenType::Argument,
next.substr( delimiterPos + 1 ) } );
} else {
if ( next[1] != '-' && next.size() > 2 ) {
std::string opt = "- ";
for ( size_t i = 1; i < next.size(); ++i ) {
opt[1] = next[i];
{ TokenType::Option, opt } );
} else {
{ TokenType::Option, next } );
} else {
{ TokenType::Argument, next } );
TokenStream::TokenStream( Args const& args ):
TokenStream( args.m_args.begin(), args.m_args.end() ) {}
TokenStream::TokenStream( Iterator it, Iterator itEnd ):
it( it ), itEnd( itEnd ) {
TokenStream& TokenStream::operator++() {
if ( m_tokenBuffer.size() >= 2 ) {
m_tokenBuffer.erase( m_tokenBuffer.begin() );
} else {
if ( it != itEnd )
return *this;
ParserResult convertInto( std::string const& source,
std::string& target ) {
target = source;
return ParserResult::ok( ParseResultType::Matched );
ParserResult convertInto( std::string const& source,
bool& target ) {
std::string srcLC = toLower( source );
if ( srcLC == "y" || srcLC == "1" || srcLC == "true" ||
srcLC == "yes" || srcLC == "on" ) {
target = true;
} else if ( srcLC == "n" || srcLC == "0" || srcLC == "false" ||
srcLC == "no" || srcLC == "off" ) {
target = false;
} else {
return ParserResult::runtimeError(
"Expected a boolean value but did not recognise: '" +
source + "'" );
return ParserResult::ok( ParseResultType::Matched );
InternalParseResult ParserBase::parse( Args const& args ) const {
return parse( args.exeName(), TokenStream( args ) );
ParseState::ParseState( ParseResultType type,
TokenStream const& remainingTokens ):
m_type( type ), m_remainingTokens( remainingTokens ) {}
ParserResult BoundFlagRef::setFlag( bool flag ) {
m_ref = flag;
return ParserResult::ok( ParseResultType::Matched );
} // namespace Detail
Detail::InternalParseResult Arg::parse(std::string const&,
Detail::TokenStream const& tokens) const {
auto validationResult = validate();
if (!validationResult)
return Detail::InternalParseResult(validationResult);
auto remainingTokens = tokens;
auto const& token = *remainingTokens;
if (token.type != Detail::TokenType::Argument)
return Detail::InternalParseResult::ok(Detail::ParseState(
ParseResultType::NoMatch, remainingTokens));
auto valueRef =
auto result = valueRef->setValue(remainingTokens->token);
if (!result)
return Detail::InternalParseResult(result);
return Detail::InternalParseResult::ok(Detail::ParseState(
ParseResultType::Matched, ++remainingTokens));
Opt::Opt(bool& ref) :
ParserRefImpl(std::make_shared<Detail::BoundFlagRef>(ref)) {}
std::vector<Detail::HelpColumns> Opt::getHelpColumns() const {
std::ostringstream oss;
bool first = true;
for (auto const& opt : m_optNames) {
if (first)
first = false;
oss << ", ";
oss << opt;
if (!m_hint.empty())
oss << " <" << m_hint << '>';
return { { oss.str(), m_description } };
bool Opt::isMatch(std::string const& optToken) const {
auto normalisedToken = normaliseOpt(optToken);
for (auto const& name : m_optNames) {
if (normaliseOpt(name) == normalisedToken)
return true;
return false;
Detail::InternalParseResult Opt::parse(std::string const&,
Detail::TokenStream const& tokens) const {
auto validationResult = validate();
if (!validationResult)
return Detail::InternalParseResult(validationResult);
auto remainingTokens = tokens;
if (remainingTokens &&
remainingTokens->type == Detail::TokenType::Option) {
auto const& token = *remainingTokens;
if (isMatch(token.token)) {
if (m_ref->isFlag()) {
auto flagRef =
auto result = flagRef->setFlag(true);
if (!result)
return Detail::InternalParseResult(result);
if (result.value() ==
return Detail::InternalParseResult::ok(Detail::ParseState(
result.value(), remainingTokens));
} else {
auto valueRef =
if (!remainingTokens)
return Detail::InternalParseResult::runtimeError(
"Expected argument following " +
auto const& argToken = *remainingTokens;
if (argToken.type != Detail::TokenType::Argument)
return Detail::InternalParseResult::runtimeError(
"Expected argument following " +
auto result = valueRef->setValue(argToken.token);
if (!result)
return Detail::InternalParseResult(result);
if (result.value() ==
return Detail::InternalParseResult::ok(Detail::ParseState(
result.value(), remainingTokens));
return Detail::InternalParseResult::ok(Detail::ParseState(
ParseResultType::Matched, ++remainingTokens));
return Detail::InternalParseResult::ok(
Detail::ParseState(ParseResultType::NoMatch, remainingTokens));
Detail::Result Opt::validate() const {
if (m_optNames.empty())
return Detail::Result::logicError("No options supplied to Opt");
for (auto const& name : m_optNames) {
if (name.empty())
return Detail::Result::logicError(
"Option name cannot be empty");
if (name[0] != '-' && name[0] != '/')
return Detail::Result::logicError(
"Option name must begin with '-' or '/'");
if (name[0] != '-')
return Detail::Result::logicError(
"Option name must begin with '-'");
return ParserRefImpl::validate();
ExeName::ExeName() :
m_name(std::make_shared<std::string>("<executable>")) {}
ExeName::ExeName(std::string& ref) : ExeName() {
m_ref = std::make_shared<Detail::BoundValueRef<std::string>>(ref);
ExeName::parse(std::string const&,
Detail::TokenStream const& tokens) const {
return Detail::InternalParseResult::ok(
Detail::ParseState(ParseResultType::NoMatch, tokens));
ParserResult ExeName::set(std::string const& newName) {
auto lastSlash = newName.find_last_of("\\/");
auto filename = (lastSlash == std::string::npos)
? newName
: newName.substr(lastSlash + 1);
*m_name = filename;
if (m_ref)
return m_ref->setValue(filename);
return ParserResult::ok(ParseResultType::Matched);
Parser& Parser::operator|=( Parser const& other ) {
m_options.insert( m_options.end(),
other.m_options.end() );
m_args.end(), other.m_args.begin(), other.m_args.end() );
return *this;
std::vector<Detail::HelpColumns> Parser::getHelpColumns() const {
std::vector<Detail::HelpColumns> cols;
for ( auto const& o : m_options ) {
auto childCols = o.getHelpColumns();
cols.insert( cols.end(), childCols.begin(), childCols.end() );
return cols;
void Parser::writeToStream( std::ostream& os ) const {
if ( !m_exeName.name().empty() ) {
os << "usage:\n"
<< " " << m_exeName.name() << ' ';
bool required = true, first = true;
for ( auto const& arg : m_args ) {
if ( first )
first = false;
os << ' ';
if ( arg.isOptional() && required ) {
os << '[';
required = false;
os << '<' << arg.hint() << '>';
if ( arg.cardinality() == 0 )
os << " ... ";
if ( !required )
os << ']';
if ( !m_options.empty() )
os << " options";
os << "\n\nwhere options are:\n";
auto rows = getHelpColumns();
size_t consoleWidth = CATCH_CONFIG_CONSOLE_WIDTH;
size_t optWidth = 0;
for ( auto const& cols : rows )
optWidth = ( std::max )( optWidth, cols.left.size() + 2 );
optWidth = ( std::min )( optWidth, consoleWidth / 2 );
for ( auto const& cols : rows ) {
auto row = TextFlow::Column( cols.left )
.width( optWidth )
.indent( 2 ) +
TextFlow::Spacer( 4 ) +
TextFlow::Column( cols.right )
.width( consoleWidth - 7 - optWidth );
os << row << '\n';
Detail::Result Parser::validate() const {
for ( auto const& opt : m_options ) {
auto result = opt.validate();
if ( !result )
return result;
for ( auto const& arg : m_args ) {
auto result = arg.validate();
if ( !result )
return result;
return Detail::Result::ok();
Parser::parse( std::string const& exeName,
Detail::TokenStream const& tokens ) const {
struct ParserInfo {
ParserBase const* parser = nullptr;
size_t count = 0;
std::vector<ParserInfo> parseInfos;
parseInfos.reserve( m_options.size() + m_args.size() );
for ( auto const& opt : m_options ) {
parseInfos.push_back( { &opt, 0 } );
for ( auto const& arg : m_args ) {
parseInfos.push_back( { &arg, 0 } );
m_exeName.set( exeName );
auto result = Detail::InternalParseResult::ok(
Detail::ParseState( ParseResultType::NoMatch, tokens ) );
while ( result.value().remainingTokens() ) {
bool tokenParsed = false;
for ( auto& parseInfo : parseInfos ) {
if ( parseInfo.parser->cardinality() == 0 ||
parseInfo.count < parseInfo.parser->cardinality() ) {
result = parseInfo.parser->parse(
exeName, result.value().remainingTokens() );
if ( !result )
return result;
if ( result.value().type() !=
ParseResultType::NoMatch ) {
tokenParsed = true;
if ( result.value().type() == ParseResultType::ShortCircuitAll )
return result;
if ( !tokenParsed )
return Detail::InternalParseResult::runtimeError(
"Unrecognised token: " +
result.value().remainingTokens()->token );
// !TBD Check missing required options
return result;
Args::Args(int argc, char const* const* argv) :
m_exeName(argv[0]), m_args(argv + 1, argv + argc) {}
Args::Args(std::initializer_list<std::string> args) :
m_args(args.begin() + 1, args.end()) {}
Help::Help( bool& showHelpFlag ):
Opt( [&]( bool flag ) {
showHelpFlag = flag;
return ParserResult::ok( ParseResultType::ShortCircuitAll );
} ) {
static_cast<Opt&> ( *this )(
"display usage information" )["-?"]["-h"]["--help"]
} // namespace Clara
} // namespace Catch
@ -6,46 +6,656 @@
* file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
#include <catch2/internal/catch_console_width.hpp>
// Use Catch's value for console width (store Clara's off to the side, if present)
#if defined(__clang__)
#pragma clang diagnostic push
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wweak-vtables"
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wshadow"
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wdeprecated"
#if defined( __clang__ )
# pragma clang diagnostic push
# pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wweak-vtables"
# pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wshadow"
# pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wdeprecated"
#if defined(__GNUC__)
#pragma GCC diagnostic push
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wsign-conversion"
#if defined( __GNUC__ )
# pragma GCC diagnostic push
# pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wsign-conversion"
#include <catch2/internal/catch_clara_upstream.hpp>
#if defined(__clang__)
#pragma clang diagnostic pop
# ifdef __has_include
# if __has_include( <optional>) && __cplusplus >= 201703L
# include <optional>
# define CLARA_CONFIG_OPTIONAL_TYPE std::optional
# endif
# endif
#if defined(__GNUC__)
#pragma GCC diagnostic pop
#include <cassert>
#include <cctype>
#include <memory>
#include <ostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
namespace Catch {
namespace Clara {
class Args;
class Parser;
// enum of result types from a parse
enum class ParseResultType {
namespace Detail {
// Traits for extracting arg and return type of lambdas (for single
// argument lambdas)
template <typename L>
struct UnaryLambdaTraits
: UnaryLambdaTraits<decltype( &L::operator() )> {};
template <typename ClassT, typename ReturnT, typename... Args>
struct UnaryLambdaTraits<ReturnT ( ClassT::* )( Args... ) const> {
static const bool isValid = false;
template <typename ClassT, typename ReturnT, typename ArgT>
struct UnaryLambdaTraits<ReturnT ( ClassT::* )( ArgT ) const> {
static const bool isValid = true;
using ArgType = typename std::remove_const<
typename std::remove_reference<ArgT>::type>::type;
using ReturnType = ReturnT;
class TokenStream;
// Wraps a token coming from a token stream. These may not directly
// correspond to strings as a single string may encode an option +
// its argument if the : or = form is used
enum class TokenType { Option, Argument };
struct Token {
TokenType type;
std::string token;
// Abstracts iterators into args as a stream of tokens, with option
// arguments uniformly handled
class TokenStream {
using Iterator = std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator;
Iterator it;
Iterator itEnd;
std::vector<Token> m_tokenBuffer;
void loadBuffer();
explicit TokenStream( Args const& args );
TokenStream( Iterator it, Iterator itEnd );
explicit operator bool() const {
return !m_tokenBuffer.empty() || it != itEnd;
size_t count() const {
return m_tokenBuffer.size() + ( itEnd - it );
Token operator*() const {
assert( !m_tokenBuffer.empty() );
return m_tokenBuffer.front();
Token const* operator->() const {
assert( !m_tokenBuffer.empty() );
return &m_tokenBuffer.front();
TokenStream& operator++();
class ResultBase {
enum Type { Ok, LogicError, RuntimeError };
ResultBase( Type type ): m_type( type ) {}
virtual ~ResultBase() = default;
virtual void enforceOk() const = 0;
Type m_type;
template <typename T> class ResultValueBase : public ResultBase {
auto value() const -> T const& {
return m_value;
ResultValueBase( Type type ): ResultBase( type ) {}
ResultValueBase( ResultValueBase const& other ):
ResultBase( other ) {
if ( m_type == ResultBase::Ok )
new ( &m_value ) T( other.m_value );
ResultValueBase( Type, T const& value ): ResultBase( Ok ) {
new ( &m_value ) T( value );
auto operator=( ResultValueBase const& other )
-> ResultValueBase& {
if ( m_type == ResultBase::Ok )
ResultBase::operator=( other );
if ( m_type == ResultBase::Ok )
new ( &m_value ) T( other.m_value );
return *this;
~ResultValueBase() override {
if ( m_type == Ok )
union {
T m_value;
template <> class ResultValueBase<void> : public ResultBase {
using ResultBase::ResultBase;
template <typename T = void>
class BasicResult : public ResultValueBase<T> {
template <typename U>
explicit BasicResult( BasicResult<U> const& other ):
ResultValueBase<T>( other.type() ),
m_errorMessage( other.errorMessage() ) {
assert( type() != ResultBase::Ok );
template <typename U>
static auto ok( U const& value ) -> BasicResult {
return { ResultBase::Ok, value };
static auto ok() -> BasicResult { return { ResultBase::Ok }; }
static auto logicError( std::string const& message )
-> BasicResult {
return { ResultBase::LogicError, message };
static auto runtimeError( std::string const& message )
-> BasicResult {
return { ResultBase::RuntimeError, message };
explicit operator bool() const {
return m_type == ResultBase::Ok;
auto type() const -> ResultBase::Type { return m_type; }
auto errorMessage() const -> std::string {
return m_errorMessage;
void enforceOk() const override {
// Errors shouldn't reach this point, but if they do
// the actual error message will be in m_errorMessage
assert( m_type != ResultBase::LogicError );
assert( m_type != ResultBase::RuntimeError );
if ( m_type != ResultBase::Ok )
m_errorMessage; // Only populated if resultType is an error
BasicResult( ResultBase::Type type,
std::string const& message ):
ResultValueBase<T>( type ), m_errorMessage( message ) {
assert( m_type != ResultBase::Ok );
using ResultValueBase<T>::ResultValueBase;
using ResultBase::m_type;
class ParseState {
ParseState( ParseResultType type,
TokenStream const& remainingTokens );
ParseResultType type() const { return m_type; }
TokenStream const& remainingTokens() const {
return m_remainingTokens;
ParseResultType m_type;
TokenStream m_remainingTokens;
using Result = BasicResult<void>;
using ParserResult = BasicResult<ParseResultType>;
using InternalParseResult = BasicResult<ParseState>;
struct HelpColumns {
std::string left;
std::string right;
template <typename T>
ParserResult convertInto( std::string const& source, T& target ) {
std::stringstream ss( source );
ss >> target;
if ( ss.fail() ) {
return ParserResult::runtimeError(
"Unable to convert '" + source +
"' to destination type" );
} else {
return ParserResult::ok( ParseResultType::Matched );
ParserResult convertInto( std::string const& source,
std::string& target );
ParserResult convertInto( std::string const& source, bool& target );
template <typename T>
auto convertInto( std::string const& source,
-> ParserResult {
T temp;
auto result = convertInto( source, temp );
if ( result )
target = std::move( temp );
return result;
struct NonCopyable {
NonCopyable() = default;
NonCopyable( NonCopyable const& ) = delete;
NonCopyable( NonCopyable&& ) = delete;
NonCopyable& operator=( NonCopyable const& ) = delete;
NonCopyable& operator=( NonCopyable&& ) = delete;
struct BoundRef : NonCopyable {
virtual ~BoundRef() = default;
virtual auto isContainer() const -> bool { return false; }
virtual auto isFlag() const -> bool { return false; }
struct BoundValueRefBase : BoundRef {
virtual auto setValue( std::string const& arg )
-> ParserResult = 0;
struct BoundFlagRefBase : BoundRef {
virtual auto setFlag( bool flag ) -> ParserResult = 0;
bool isFlag() const override { return true; }
template <typename T> struct BoundValueRef : BoundValueRefBase {
T& m_ref;
explicit BoundValueRef( T& ref ): m_ref( ref ) {}
auto setValue( std::string const& arg )
-> ParserResult override {
return convertInto( arg, m_ref );
template <typename T>
struct BoundValueRef<std::vector<T>> : BoundValueRefBase {
std::vector<T>& m_ref;
explicit BoundValueRef( std::vector<T>& ref ): m_ref( ref ) {}
auto isContainer() const -> bool override { return true; }
auto setValue( std::string const& arg )
-> ParserResult override {
T temp;
auto result = convertInto( arg, temp );
if ( result )
m_ref.push_back( temp );
return result;
struct BoundFlagRef : BoundFlagRefBase {
bool& m_ref;
explicit BoundFlagRef( bool& ref ): m_ref( ref ) {}
ParserResult setFlag( bool flag ) override;
template <typename ReturnType> struct LambdaInvoker {
std::is_same<ReturnType, ParserResult>::value,
"Lambda must return void or clara::ParserResult" );
template <typename L, typename ArgType>
static auto invoke( L const& lambda, ArgType const& arg )
-> ParserResult {
return lambda( arg );
template <> struct LambdaInvoker<void> {
template <typename L, typename ArgType>
static auto invoke( L const& lambda, ArgType const& arg )
-> ParserResult {
lambda( arg );
return ParserResult::ok( ParseResultType::Matched );
template <typename ArgType, typename L>
auto invokeLambda( L const& lambda, std::string const& arg )
-> ParserResult {
ArgType temp{};
auto result = convertInto( arg, temp );
return !result ? result
: LambdaInvoker<typename UnaryLambdaTraits<
L>::ReturnType>::invoke( lambda, temp );
template <typename L> struct BoundLambda : BoundValueRefBase {
L m_lambda;
"Supplied lambda must take exactly one argument" );
explicit BoundLambda( L const& lambda ): m_lambda( lambda ) {}
auto setValue( std::string const& arg )
-> ParserResult override {
return invokeLambda<typename UnaryLambdaTraits<L>::ArgType>(
m_lambda, arg );
template <typename L> struct BoundFlagLambda : BoundFlagRefBase {
L m_lambda;
"Supplied lambda must take exactly one argument" );
std::is_same<typename UnaryLambdaTraits<L>::ArgType,
"flags must be boolean" );
explicit BoundFlagLambda( L const& lambda ):
m_lambda( lambda ) {}
auto setFlag( bool flag ) -> ParserResult override {
return LambdaInvoker<typename UnaryLambdaTraits<
L>::ReturnType>::invoke( m_lambda, flag );
enum class Optionality { Optional, Required };
class ParserBase {
virtual ~ParserBase() = default;
virtual auto validate() const -> Result { return Result::ok(); }
virtual auto parse( std::string const& exeName,
TokenStream const& tokens ) const
-> InternalParseResult = 0;
virtual auto cardinality() const -> size_t { return 1; }
InternalParseResult parse( Args const& args ) const;
template <typename DerivedT>
class ComposableParserImpl : public ParserBase {
template <typename T>
auto operator|( T const& other ) const -> Parser;
// Common code and state for Args and Opts
template <typename DerivedT>
class ParserRefImpl : public ComposableParserImpl<DerivedT> {
Optionality m_optionality = Optionality::Optional;
std::shared_ptr<BoundRef> m_ref;
std::string m_hint;
std::string m_description;
explicit ParserRefImpl( std::shared_ptr<BoundRef> const& ref ):
m_ref( ref ) {}
template <typename T>
ParserRefImpl( T& ref, std::string const& hint ):
m_ref( std::make_shared<BoundValueRef<T>>( ref ) ),
m_hint( hint ) {}
template <typename LambdaT>
ParserRefImpl( LambdaT const& ref, std::string const& hint ):
m_ref( std::make_shared<BoundLambda<LambdaT>>( ref ) ),
m_hint( hint ) {}
auto operator()( std::string const& description ) -> DerivedT& {
m_description = description;
return static_cast<DerivedT&>( *this );
auto optional() -> DerivedT& {
m_optionality = Optionality::Optional;
return static_cast<DerivedT&>( *this );
auto required() -> DerivedT& {
m_optionality = Optionality::Required;
return static_cast<DerivedT&>( *this );
auto isOptional() const -> bool {
return m_optionality == Optionality::Optional;
auto cardinality() const -> size_t override {
if ( m_ref->isContainer() )
return 0;
return 1;
std::string const& hint() const { return m_hint; }
} // namespace detail
// A parser for arguments
class Arg : public Detail::ParserRefImpl<Arg> {
using ParserRefImpl::ParserRefImpl;
parse(std::string const&,
Detail::TokenStream const& tokens) const override;
// A parser for options
class Opt : public Detail::ParserRefImpl<Opt> {
std::vector<std::string> m_optNames;
template <typename LambdaT>
explicit Opt(LambdaT const& ref) :
std::make_shared<Detail::BoundFlagLambda<LambdaT>>(ref)) {}
explicit Opt(bool& ref);
template <typename LambdaT>
Opt(LambdaT const& ref, std::string const& hint) :
ParserRefImpl(ref, hint) {}
template <typename T>
Opt(T& ref, std::string const& hint) :
ParserRefImpl(ref, hint) {}
auto operator[](std::string const& optName) -> Opt& {
return *this;
std::vector<Detail::HelpColumns> getHelpColumns() const;
bool isMatch(std::string const& optToken) const;
using ParserBase::parse;
parse(std::string const&,
Detail::TokenStream const& tokens) const override;
Detail::Result validate() const override;
// Specifies the name of the executable
class ExeName : public Detail::ComposableParserImpl<ExeName> {
std::shared_ptr<std::string> m_name;
std::shared_ptr<Detail::BoundValueRefBase> m_ref;
template <typename LambdaT>
static auto makeRef(LambdaT const& lambda)
-> std::shared_ptr<Detail::BoundValueRefBase> {
return std::make_shared<Detail::BoundLambda<LambdaT>>(lambda);
explicit ExeName(std::string& ref);
template <typename LambdaT>
explicit ExeName(LambdaT const& lambda) : ExeName() {
m_ref = std::make_shared<Detail::BoundLambda<LambdaT>>(lambda);
// The exe name is not parsed out of the normal tokens, but is
// handled specially
parse(std::string const&,
Detail::TokenStream const& tokens) const override;
std::string const& name() const { return *m_name; }
Detail::ParserResult set(std::string const& newName);
// A Combined parser
class Parser : Detail::ParserBase {
mutable ExeName m_exeName;
std::vector<Opt> m_options;
std::vector<Arg> m_args;
auto operator|=(ExeName const& exeName) -> Parser& {
m_exeName = exeName;
return *this;
auto operator|=(Arg const& arg) -> Parser& {
return *this;
auto operator|=(Opt const& opt) -> Parser& {
return *this;
Parser& operator|=(Parser const& other);
template <typename T>
auto operator|(T const& other) const -> Parser {
return Parser(*this) |= other;
std::vector<Detail::HelpColumns> getHelpColumns() const;
void writeToStream(std::ostream& os) const;
friend auto operator<<(std::ostream& os, Parser const& parser)
-> std::ostream& {
return os;
Detail::Result validate() const override;
using ParserBase::parse;
parse(std::string const& exeName,
Detail::TokenStream const& tokens) const override;
// Transport for raw args (copied from main args, or supplied via
// init list for testing)
class Args {
friend Detail::TokenStream;
std::string m_exeName;
std::vector<std::string> m_args;
Args(int argc, char const* const* argv);
Args(std::initializer_list<std::string> args);
std::string const& exeName() const { return m_exeName; }
// Convenience wrapper for option parser that specifies the help option
struct Help : Opt {
Help(bool& showHelpFlag);
// Result type for parser operation
using Detail::ParserResult;
namespace Detail {
template <typename DerivedT>
template <typename T>
ComposableParserImpl<DerivedT>::operator|(T const& other) const {
return Parser() | static_cast<DerivedT const&>(*this) | other;
} // namespace Clara
} // namespace Catch
#if defined( __clang__ )
# pragma clang diagnostic pop
// Restore Clara's value for console width, if present
#if defined( __GNUC__ )
# pragma GCC diagnostic pop
@ -1,924 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2017 Two Blue Cubes Ltd. All rights reserved.
// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
// See https://github.com/philsquared/Clara for more details
// Clara v1.1.5
#ifdef __has_include
#if __has_include(<optional>) && __cplusplus >= 201703L
#include <optional>
#define CLARA_CONFIG_OPTIONAL_TYPE std::optional
#include <catch2/internal/catch_textflow.hpp>
// ........... back in clara.hpp
#include <cctype>
#include <string>
#include <memory>
#include <algorithm>
#include <ostream>
#include <sstream>
#if !defined(CATCH_PLATFORM_WINDOWS) && ( defined(WIN32) || defined(__WIN32__) || defined(_WIN32) || defined(_MSC_VER) )
namespace Catch { namespace clara {
namespace detail {
// Traits for extracting arg and return type of lambdas (for single argument lambdas)
template<typename L>
struct UnaryLambdaTraits : UnaryLambdaTraits<decltype( &L::operator() )> {};
template<typename ClassT, typename ReturnT, typename... Args>
struct UnaryLambdaTraits<ReturnT( ClassT::* )( Args... ) const> {
static const bool isValid = false;
template<typename ClassT, typename ReturnT, typename ArgT>
struct UnaryLambdaTraits<ReturnT( ClassT::* )( ArgT ) const> {
static const bool isValid = true;
using ArgType = typename std::remove_const<typename std::remove_reference<ArgT>::type>::type;
using ReturnType = ReturnT;
class TokenStream;
// Transport for raw args (copied from main args, or supplied via init list for testing)
class Args {
friend TokenStream;
std::string m_exeName;
std::vector<std::string> m_args;
Args( int argc, char const* const* argv )
: m_exeName(argv[0]),
m_args(argv + 1, argv + argc) {}
Args( std::initializer_list<std::string> args )
: m_exeName( *args.begin() ),
m_args( args.begin()+1, args.end() )
auto exeName() const -> std::string {
return m_exeName;
// Wraps a token coming from a token stream. These may not directly correspond to strings as a single string
// may encode an option + its argument if the : or = form is used
enum class TokenType {
Option, Argument
struct Token {
TokenType type;
std::string token;
inline auto isOptPrefix( char c ) -> bool {
return c == '-'
|| c == '/'
// Abstracts iterators into args as a stream of tokens, with option arguments uniformly handled
class TokenStream {
using Iterator = std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator;
Iterator it;
Iterator itEnd;
std::vector<Token> m_tokenBuffer;
void loadBuffer() {
m_tokenBuffer.resize( 0 );
// Skip any empty strings
while( it != itEnd && it->empty() )
if( it != itEnd ) {
auto const &next = *it;
if( isOptPrefix( next[0] ) ) {
auto delimiterPos = next.find_first_of( " :=" );
if( delimiterPos != std::string::npos ) {
m_tokenBuffer.push_back( { TokenType::Option, next.substr( 0, delimiterPos ) } );
m_tokenBuffer.push_back( { TokenType::Argument, next.substr( delimiterPos + 1 ) } );
} else {
if( next[1] != '-' && next.size() > 2 ) {
std::string opt = "- ";
for( size_t i = 1; i < next.size(); ++i ) {
opt[1] = next[i];
m_tokenBuffer.push_back( { TokenType::Option, opt } );
} else {
m_tokenBuffer.push_back( { TokenType::Option, next } );
} else {
m_tokenBuffer.push_back( { TokenType::Argument, next } );
explicit TokenStream( Args const &args ) : TokenStream( args.m_args.begin(), args.m_args.end() ) {}
TokenStream( Iterator it, Iterator itEnd ) : it( it ), itEnd( itEnd ) {
explicit operator bool() const {
return !m_tokenBuffer.empty() || it != itEnd;
auto count() const -> size_t { return m_tokenBuffer.size() + (itEnd - it); }
auto operator*() const -> Token {
assert( !m_tokenBuffer.empty() );
return m_tokenBuffer.front();
auto operator->() const -> Token const * {
assert( !m_tokenBuffer.empty() );
return &m_tokenBuffer.front();
auto operator++() -> TokenStream & {
if( m_tokenBuffer.size() >= 2 ) {
m_tokenBuffer.erase( m_tokenBuffer.begin() );
} else {
if( it != itEnd )
return *this;
class ResultBase {
enum Type {
Ok, LogicError, RuntimeError
ResultBase( Type type ) : m_type( type ) {}
virtual ~ResultBase() = default;
virtual void enforceOk() const = 0;
Type m_type;
template<typename T>
class ResultValueBase : public ResultBase {
auto value() const -> T const & {
return m_value;
ResultValueBase( Type type ) : ResultBase( type ) {}
ResultValueBase( ResultValueBase const &other ) : ResultBase( other ) {
if( m_type == ResultBase::Ok )
new( &m_value ) T( other.m_value );
ResultValueBase( Type, T const &value ) : ResultBase( Ok ) {
new( &m_value ) T( value );
auto operator=( ResultValueBase const &other ) -> ResultValueBase & {
if( m_type == ResultBase::Ok )
if( m_type == ResultBase::Ok )
new( &m_value ) T( other.m_value );
return *this;
~ResultValueBase() override {
if( m_type == Ok )
union {
T m_value;
class ResultValueBase<void> : public ResultBase {
using ResultBase::ResultBase;
template<typename T = void>
class BasicResult : public ResultValueBase<T> {
template<typename U>
explicit BasicResult( BasicResult<U> const &other )
: ResultValueBase<T>( other.type() ),
m_errorMessage( other.errorMessage() )
assert( type() != ResultBase::Ok );
template<typename U>
static auto ok( U const &value ) -> BasicResult { return { ResultBase::Ok, value }; }
static auto ok() -> BasicResult { return { ResultBase::Ok }; }
static auto logicError( std::string const &message ) -> BasicResult { return { ResultBase::LogicError, message }; }
static auto runtimeError( std::string const &message ) -> BasicResult { return { ResultBase::RuntimeError, message }; }
explicit operator bool() const { return m_type == ResultBase::Ok; }
auto type() const -> ResultBase::Type { return m_type; }
auto errorMessage() const -> std::string { return m_errorMessage; }
void enforceOk() const override {
// Errors shouldn't reach this point, but if they do
// the actual error message will be in m_errorMessage
assert( m_type != ResultBase::LogicError );
assert( m_type != ResultBase::RuntimeError );
if( m_type != ResultBase::Ok )
std::string m_errorMessage; // Only populated if resultType is an error
BasicResult( ResultBase::Type type, std::string const &message )
: ResultValueBase<T>(type),
assert( m_type != ResultBase::Ok );
using ResultValueBase<T>::ResultValueBase;
using ResultBase::m_type;
enum class ParseResultType {
Matched, NoMatch, ShortCircuitAll, ShortCircuitSame
class ParseState {
ParseState( ParseResultType type, TokenStream const &remainingTokens )
: m_type(type),
m_remainingTokens( remainingTokens )
auto type() const -> ParseResultType { return m_type; }
auto remainingTokens() const -> TokenStream { return m_remainingTokens; }
ParseResultType m_type;
TokenStream m_remainingTokens;
using Result = BasicResult<void>;
using ParserResult = BasicResult<ParseResultType>;
using InternalParseResult = BasicResult<ParseState>;
struct HelpColumns {
std::string left;
std::string right;
template<typename T>
inline auto convertInto( std::string const &source, T& target ) -> ParserResult {
std::stringstream ss;
ss << source;
ss >> target;
if( ss.fail() )
return ParserResult::runtimeError( "Unable to convert '" + source + "' to destination type" );
return ParserResult::ok( ParseResultType::Matched );
inline auto convertInto( std::string const &source, std::string& target ) -> ParserResult {
target = source;
return ParserResult::ok( ParseResultType::Matched );
inline auto convertInto( std::string const &source, bool &target ) -> ParserResult {
std::string srcLC = source;
std::transform( srcLC.begin(), srcLC.end(), srcLC.begin(), []( unsigned char c ) { return static_cast<char>( std::tolower(c) ); } );
if (srcLC == "y" || srcLC == "1" || srcLC == "true" || srcLC == "yes" || srcLC == "on")
target = true;
else if (srcLC == "n" || srcLC == "0" || srcLC == "false" || srcLC == "no" || srcLC == "off")
target = false;
return ParserResult::runtimeError( "Expected a boolean value but did not recognise: '" + source + "'" );
return ParserResult::ok( ParseResultType::Matched );
template<typename T>
inline auto convertInto( std::string const &source, CLARA_CONFIG_OPTIONAL_TYPE<T>& target ) -> ParserResult {
T temp;
auto result = convertInto( source, temp );
if( result )
target = std::move(temp);
return result;
struct NonCopyable {
NonCopyable() = default;
NonCopyable( NonCopyable const & ) = delete;
NonCopyable( NonCopyable && ) = delete;
NonCopyable &operator=( NonCopyable const & ) = delete;
NonCopyable &operator=( NonCopyable && ) = delete;
struct BoundRef : NonCopyable {
virtual ~BoundRef() = default;
virtual auto isContainer() const -> bool { return false; }
virtual auto isFlag() const -> bool { return false; }
struct BoundValueRefBase : BoundRef {
virtual auto setValue( std::string const &arg ) -> ParserResult = 0;
struct BoundFlagRefBase : BoundRef {
virtual auto setFlag( bool flag ) -> ParserResult = 0;
bool isFlag() const override { return true; }
template<typename T>
struct BoundValueRef : BoundValueRefBase {
T &m_ref;
explicit BoundValueRef( T &ref ) : m_ref( ref ) {}
auto setValue( std::string const &arg ) -> ParserResult override {
return convertInto( arg, m_ref );
template<typename T>
struct BoundValueRef<std::vector<T>> : BoundValueRefBase {
std::vector<T> &m_ref;
explicit BoundValueRef( std::vector<T> &ref ) : m_ref( ref ) {}
auto isContainer() const -> bool override { return true; }
auto setValue( std::string const &arg ) -> ParserResult override {
T temp;
auto result = convertInto( arg, temp );
if( result )
m_ref.push_back( temp );
return result;
struct BoundFlagRef : BoundFlagRefBase {
bool &m_ref;
explicit BoundFlagRef( bool &ref ) : m_ref( ref ) {}
auto setFlag( bool flag ) -> ParserResult override {
m_ref = flag;
return ParserResult::ok( ParseResultType::Matched );
template<typename ReturnType>
struct LambdaInvoker {
static_assert( std::is_same<ReturnType, ParserResult>::value, "Lambda must return void or clara::ParserResult" );
template<typename L, typename ArgType>
static auto invoke( L const &lambda, ArgType const &arg ) -> ParserResult {
return lambda( arg );
struct LambdaInvoker<void> {
template<typename L, typename ArgType>
static auto invoke( L const &lambda, ArgType const &arg ) -> ParserResult {
lambda( arg );
return ParserResult::ok( ParseResultType::Matched );
template<typename ArgType, typename L>
inline auto invokeLambda( L const &lambda, std::string const &arg ) -> ParserResult {
ArgType temp{};
auto result = convertInto( arg, temp );
return !result
? result
: LambdaInvoker<typename UnaryLambdaTraits<L>::ReturnType>::invoke( lambda, temp );
template<typename L>
struct BoundLambda : BoundValueRefBase {
L m_lambda;
static_assert( UnaryLambdaTraits<L>::isValid, "Supplied lambda must take exactly one argument" );
explicit BoundLambda( L const &lambda ) : m_lambda( lambda ) {}
auto setValue( std::string const &arg ) -> ParserResult override {
return invokeLambda<typename UnaryLambdaTraits<L>::ArgType>( m_lambda, arg );
template<typename L>
struct BoundFlagLambda : BoundFlagRefBase {
L m_lambda;
static_assert( UnaryLambdaTraits<L>::isValid, "Supplied lambda must take exactly one argument" );
static_assert( std::is_same<typename UnaryLambdaTraits<L>::ArgType, bool>::value, "flags must be boolean" );
explicit BoundFlagLambda( L const &lambda ) : m_lambda( lambda ) {}
auto setFlag( bool flag ) -> ParserResult override {
return LambdaInvoker<typename UnaryLambdaTraits<L>::ReturnType>::invoke( m_lambda, flag );
enum class Optionality { Optional, Required };
struct Parser;
class ParserBase {
virtual ~ParserBase() = default;
virtual auto validate() const -> Result { return Result::ok(); }
virtual auto parse( std::string const& exeName, TokenStream const &tokens) const -> InternalParseResult = 0;
virtual auto cardinality() const -> size_t { return 1; }
auto parse( Args const &args ) const -> InternalParseResult {
return parse( args.exeName(), TokenStream( args ) );
template<typename DerivedT>
class ComposableParserImpl : public ParserBase {
template<typename T>
auto operator|( T const &other ) const -> Parser;
template<typename T>
auto operator+( T const &other ) const -> Parser;
// Common code and state for Args and Opts
template<typename DerivedT>
class ParserRefImpl : public ComposableParserImpl<DerivedT> {
Optionality m_optionality = Optionality::Optional;
std::shared_ptr<BoundRef> m_ref;
std::string m_hint;
std::string m_description;
explicit ParserRefImpl( std::shared_ptr<BoundRef> const &ref ) : m_ref( ref ) {}
template<typename T>
ParserRefImpl( T &ref, std::string const &hint )
: m_ref( std::make_shared<BoundValueRef<T>>( ref ) ),
m_hint( hint )
template<typename LambdaT>
ParserRefImpl( LambdaT const &ref, std::string const &hint )
: m_ref( std::make_shared<BoundLambda<LambdaT>>( ref ) ),
auto operator()( std::string const &description ) -> DerivedT & {
m_description = description;
return static_cast<DerivedT &>( *this );
auto optional() -> DerivedT & {
m_optionality = Optionality::Optional;
return static_cast<DerivedT &>( *this );
auto required() -> DerivedT & {
m_optionality = Optionality::Required;
return static_cast<DerivedT &>( *this );
auto isOptional() const -> bool {
return m_optionality == Optionality::Optional;
auto cardinality() const -> size_t override {
if( m_ref->isContainer() )
return 0;
return 1;
auto hint() const -> std::string { return m_hint; }
class ExeName : public ComposableParserImpl<ExeName> {
std::shared_ptr<std::string> m_name;
std::shared_ptr<BoundValueRefBase> m_ref;
template<typename LambdaT>
static auto makeRef(LambdaT const &lambda) -> std::shared_ptr<BoundValueRefBase> {
return std::make_shared<BoundLambda<LambdaT>>( lambda) ;
ExeName() : m_name( std::make_shared<std::string>( "<executable>" ) ) {}
explicit ExeName( std::string &ref ) : ExeName() {
m_ref = std::make_shared<BoundValueRef<std::string>>( ref );
template<typename LambdaT>
explicit ExeName( LambdaT const& lambda ) : ExeName() {
m_ref = std::make_shared<BoundLambda<LambdaT>>( lambda );
// The exe name is not parsed out of the normal tokens, but is handled specially
auto parse( std::string const&, TokenStream const &tokens ) const -> InternalParseResult override {
return InternalParseResult::ok( ParseState( ParseResultType::NoMatch, tokens ) );
auto name() const -> std::string { return *m_name; }
auto set( std::string const& newName ) -> ParserResult {
auto lastSlash = newName.find_last_of( "\\/" );
auto filename = ( lastSlash == std::string::npos )
? newName
: newName.substr( lastSlash+1 );
*m_name = filename;
if( m_ref )
return m_ref->setValue( filename );
return ParserResult::ok( ParseResultType::Matched );
class Arg : public ParserRefImpl<Arg> {
using ParserRefImpl::ParserRefImpl;
auto parse( std::string const &, TokenStream const &tokens ) const -> InternalParseResult override {
auto validationResult = validate();
if( !validationResult )
return InternalParseResult( validationResult );
auto remainingTokens = tokens;
auto const &token = *remainingTokens;
if( token.type != TokenType::Argument )
return InternalParseResult::ok( ParseState( ParseResultType::NoMatch, remainingTokens ) );
assert( !m_ref->isFlag() );
auto valueRef = static_cast<detail::BoundValueRefBase*>( m_ref.get() );
auto result = valueRef->setValue( remainingTokens->token );
if( !result )
return InternalParseResult( result );
return InternalParseResult::ok( ParseState( ParseResultType::Matched, ++remainingTokens ) );
inline auto normaliseOpt( std::string const &optName ) -> std::string {
if( optName[0] == '/' )
return "-" + optName.substr( 1 );
return optName;
class Opt : public ParserRefImpl<Opt> {
std::vector<std::string> m_optNames;
template<typename LambdaT>
explicit Opt( LambdaT const &ref ) : ParserRefImpl( std::make_shared<BoundFlagLambda<LambdaT>>( ref ) ) {}
explicit Opt( bool &ref ) : ParserRefImpl( std::make_shared<BoundFlagRef>( ref ) ) {}
template<typename LambdaT>
Opt( LambdaT const &ref, std::string const &hint ) : ParserRefImpl( ref, hint ) {}
template<typename T>
Opt( T &ref, std::string const &hint ) : ParserRefImpl( ref, hint ) {}
auto operator[]( std::string const &optName ) -> Opt & {
m_optNames.push_back( optName );
return *this;
auto getHelpColumns() const -> std::vector<HelpColumns> {
std::ostringstream oss;
bool first = true;
for( auto const &opt : m_optNames ) {
if (first)
first = false;
oss << ", ";
oss << opt;
if( !m_hint.empty() )
oss << " <" << m_hint << '>';
return { { oss.str(), m_description } };
auto isMatch( std::string const &optToken ) const -> bool {
auto normalisedToken = normaliseOpt( optToken );
for( auto const &name : m_optNames ) {
if( normaliseOpt( name ) == normalisedToken )
return true;
return false;
using ParserBase::parse;
auto parse( std::string const&, TokenStream const &tokens ) const -> InternalParseResult override {
auto validationResult = validate();
if( !validationResult )
return InternalParseResult( validationResult );
auto remainingTokens = tokens;
if( remainingTokens && remainingTokens->type == TokenType::Option ) {
auto const &token = *remainingTokens;
if( isMatch(token.token ) ) {
if( m_ref->isFlag() ) {
auto flagRef = static_cast<detail::BoundFlagRefBase*>( m_ref.get() );
auto result = flagRef->setFlag( true );
if( !result )
return InternalParseResult( result );
if( result.value() == ParseResultType::ShortCircuitAll )
return InternalParseResult::ok( ParseState( result.value(), remainingTokens ) );
} else {
auto valueRef = static_cast<detail::BoundValueRefBase*>( m_ref.get() );
if( !remainingTokens )
return InternalParseResult::runtimeError( "Expected argument following " + token.token );
auto const &argToken = *remainingTokens;
if( argToken.type != TokenType::Argument )
return InternalParseResult::runtimeError( "Expected argument following " + token.token );
auto result = valueRef->setValue( argToken.token );
if( !result )
return InternalParseResult( result );
if( result.value() == ParseResultType::ShortCircuitAll )
return InternalParseResult::ok( ParseState( result.value(), remainingTokens ) );
return InternalParseResult::ok( ParseState( ParseResultType::Matched, ++remainingTokens ) );
return InternalParseResult::ok( ParseState( ParseResultType::NoMatch, remainingTokens ) );
auto validate() const -> Result override {
if( m_optNames.empty() )
return Result::logicError( "No options supplied to Opt" );
for( auto const &name : m_optNames ) {
if( name.empty() )
return Result::logicError( "Option name cannot be empty" );
if( name[0] != '-' && name[0] != '/' )
return Result::logicError( "Option name must begin with '-' or '/'" );
if( name[0] != '-' )
return Result::logicError( "Option name must begin with '-'" );
return ParserRefImpl::validate();
struct Help : Opt {
Help( bool &showHelpFlag )
: Opt([&]( bool flag ) {
showHelpFlag = flag;
return ParserResult::ok( ParseResultType::ShortCircuitAll );
static_cast<Opt &>( *this )
("display usage information")
struct Parser : ParserBase {
mutable ExeName m_exeName;
std::vector<Opt> m_options;
std::vector<Arg> m_args;
auto operator|=( ExeName const &exeName ) -> Parser & {
m_exeName = exeName;
return *this;
auto operator|=( Arg const &arg ) -> Parser & {
return *this;
auto operator|=( Opt const &opt ) -> Parser & {
return *this;
auto operator|=( Parser const &other ) -> Parser & {
m_options.insert(m_options.end(), other.m_options.begin(), other.m_options.end());
m_args.insert(m_args.end(), other.m_args.begin(), other.m_args.end());
return *this;
template<typename T>
auto operator|( T const &other ) const -> Parser {
return Parser( *this ) |= other;
// Forward deprecated interface with '+' instead of '|'
template<typename T>
auto operator+=( T const &other ) -> Parser & { return operator|=( other ); }
template<typename T>
auto operator+( T const &other ) const -> Parser { return operator|( other ); }
auto getHelpColumns() const -> std::vector<HelpColumns> {
std::vector<HelpColumns> cols;
for (auto const &o : m_options) {
auto childCols = o.getHelpColumns();
cols.insert( cols.end(), childCols.begin(), childCols.end() );
return cols;
void writeToStream( std::ostream &os ) const {
if (!m_exeName.name().empty()) {
os << "usage:\n" << " " << m_exeName.name() << ' ';
bool required = true, first = true;
for( auto const &arg : m_args ) {
if (first)
first = false;
os << ' ';
if( arg.isOptional() && required ) {
os << '[';
required = false;
os << '<' << arg.hint() << '>';
if( arg.cardinality() == 0 )
os << " ... ";
if( !required )
os << ']';
if( !m_options.empty() )
os << " options";
os << "\n\nwhere options are:\n";
auto rows = getHelpColumns();
size_t optWidth = 0;
for( auto const &cols : rows )
optWidth = (std::max)(optWidth, cols.left.size() + 2);
optWidth = (std::min)(optWidth, consoleWidth/2);
for( auto const &cols : rows ) {
auto row =
TextFlow::Column( cols.left ).width( optWidth ).indent( 2 ) +
TextFlow::Spacer(4) +
TextFlow::Column( cols.right ).width( consoleWidth - 7 - optWidth );
os << row << '\n';
friend auto operator<<( std::ostream &os, Parser const &parser ) -> std::ostream& {
parser.writeToStream( os );
return os;
auto validate() const -> Result override {
for( auto const &opt : m_options ) {
auto result = opt.validate();
if( !result )
return result;
for( auto const &arg : m_args ) {
auto result = arg.validate();
if( !result )
return result;
return Result::ok();
using ParserBase::parse;
auto parse( std::string const& exeName, TokenStream const &tokens ) const -> InternalParseResult override {
struct ParserInfo {
ParserBase const* parser = nullptr;
size_t count = 0;
const size_t totalParsers = m_options.size() + m_args.size();
assert( totalParsers < 512 );
// ParserInfo parseInfos[totalParsers]; // <-- this is what we really want to do
ParserInfo parseInfos[512];
size_t i = 0;
for (auto const &opt : m_options) parseInfos[i++].parser = &opt;
for (auto const &arg : m_args) parseInfos[i++].parser = &arg;
m_exeName.set( exeName );
auto result = InternalParseResult::ok( ParseState( ParseResultType::NoMatch, tokens ) );
while( result.value().remainingTokens() ) {
bool tokenParsed = false;
for( size_t i = 0; i < totalParsers; ++i ) {
auto& parseInfo = parseInfos[i];
if( parseInfo.parser->cardinality() == 0 || parseInfo.count < parseInfo.parser->cardinality() ) {
result = parseInfo.parser->parse(exeName, result.value().remainingTokens());
if (!result)
return result;
if (result.value().type() != ParseResultType::NoMatch) {
tokenParsed = true;
if( result.value().type() == ParseResultType::ShortCircuitAll )
return result;
if( !tokenParsed )
return InternalParseResult::runtimeError( "Unrecognised token: " + result.value().remainingTokens()->token );
// !TBD Check missing required options
return result;
template<typename DerivedT>
template<typename T>
auto ComposableParserImpl<DerivedT>::operator|( T const &other ) const -> Parser {
return Parser() | static_cast<DerivedT const &>( *this ) | other;
} // namespace detail
// A Combined parser
using detail::Parser;
// A parser for options
using detail::Opt;
// A parser for arguments
using detail::Arg;
// Wrapper for argc, argv from main()
using detail::Args;
// Specifies the name of the executable
using detail::ExeName;
// Convenience wrapper for option parser that specifies the help option
using detail::Help;
// enum of result types from a parse
using detail::ParseResultType;
// Result type for parser operation
using detail::ParserResult;
}} // namespace Catch::clara
@ -19,9 +19,9 @@
namespace Catch {
clara::Parser makeCommandLineParser( ConfigData& config ) {
Clara::Parser makeCommandLineParser( ConfigData& config ) {
using namespace clara;
using namespace Clara;
auto const setWarning = [&]( std::string const& warning ) {
auto warningSet = [&]() {
@ -68,12 +68,12 @@ namespace Catch {
else if( startsWith( "random", order ) )
config.runOrder = RunTests::InRandomOrder;
return clara::ParserResult::runtimeError( "Unrecognised ordering: '" + order + "'" );
return ParserResult::runtimeError( "Unrecognised ordering: '" + order + "'" );
return ParserResult::ok( ParseResultType::Matched );
auto const setRngSeed = [&]( std::string const& seed ) {
if( seed != "time" )
return clara::detail::convertInto( seed, config.rngSeed );
return Clara::Detail::convertInto( seed, config.rngSeed );
config.rngSeed = static_cast<unsigned int>( std::time(nullptr) );
return ParserResult::ok( ParseResultType::Matched );
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ namespace Catch {
struct ConfigData;
clara::Parser makeCommandLineParser( ConfigData& config );
Clara::Parser makeCommandLineParser( ConfigData& config );
} // end namespace Catch
Reference in New Issue
Block a user