mirror of
synced 2025-03-19 17:14:47 +01:00
Factored ConfigData out of data
This commit is contained in:
@ -85,6 +85,7 @@ namespace Catch {
<< "\t-b, --break\n"
<< "\t-n, --name <name>\n"
<< "\t-a, --abort [#]\n\n"
<< "\t-nt, --nothrow\n\n"
<< "For more detail usage please see: https://github.com/philsquared/Catch/wiki/Command-line" << std::endl;
inline void showHelp( std::string exeName ) {
@ -98,22 +99,39 @@ namespace Catch {
inline int Main( int argc, char* const argv[], Config& config ) {
parseIntoConfig( CommandParser( argc, argv ), config );
try {
CommandParser parser( argc, argv );
if( !config.getMessage().empty() ) {
std::cerr << config.getMessage() << + "\n\nUsage: ...\n\n";
if( Command cmd = parser.find( "-h", "-?", "--help" ) ) {
if( cmd.argsCount() != 0 )
cmd.raiseError( "Does not accept arguments" );
showHelp( argv[0] );
return 0;
parseIntoConfig( parser, config.data() );
// !TBD: wire up (do this lazily?)
if( !config.data().reporter.empty() )
config.setReporter( config.data().reporter );
if( !config.data().stream.empty() ) {
if( config.data().stream[0] == '%' )
config.useStream( config.data().stream.substr( 1 ) );
config.setFilename( config.data().stream );
catch( std::exception& ex ) {
std::cerr << ex.what() << + "\n\nUsage: ...\n\n";
showUsage( std::cerr );
return (std::numeric_limits<int>::max)();
// Handle help
if( config.showHelp() ) {
showHelp( argv[0] );
return 0;
return Main( config );
@ -88,107 +88,92 @@ namespace Catch {
std::size_t m_argc;
char const * const * m_argv;
inline bool parseIntoConfig( const CommandParser& parser, Config& config ) {
inline void parseIntoConfig( const CommandParser& parser, ConfigData& config ) {
if( Command cmd = parser.find( "-l", "--list" ) ) {
if( cmd.argsCount() > 2 )
cmd.raiseError( "Expected upto 2 arguments" );
try {
if( Command cmd = parser.find( "-l", "--list" ) ) {
if( cmd.argsCount() > 2 )
cmd.raiseError( "Expected upto 2 arguments" );
List::What listSpec = List::All;
if( cmd.argsCount() >= 1 ) {
if( cmd[0] == "tests" )
listSpec = List::Tests;
else if( cmd[0] == "reporters" )
listSpec = List::Reports;
cmd.raiseError( "Expected [tests] or [reporters]" );
if( cmd.argsCount() >= 2 ) {
if( cmd[1] == "xml" )
listSpec = static_cast<List::What>( listSpec | List::AsXml );
else if( cmd[1] == "text" )
listSpec = static_cast<List::What>( listSpec | List::AsText );
cmd.raiseError( "Expected [xml] or [text]" );
config.setListSpec( static_cast<List::What>( config.getListSpec() | listSpec ) );
if( Command cmd = parser.find( "-t", "--test" ) ) {
if( cmd.argsCount() == 0 )
cmd.raiseError( "Expected at least one argument" );
for( std::size_t i = 0; i < cmd.argsCount(); ++i )
config.addTestSpec( cmd[i] );
if( Command cmd = parser.find( "-r", "--reporter" ) ) {
if( cmd.argsCount() != 1 )
cmd.raiseError( "Expected one argument" );
config.setReporter( cmd[0] );
if( Command cmd = parser.find( "-o", "--out" ) ) {
if( cmd.argsCount() == 0 )
cmd.raiseError( "Expected filename" );
if( cmd[0][0] == '%' )
config.useStream( cmd[0].substr( 1 ) );
List::What listSpec = List::All;
if( cmd.argsCount() >= 1 ) {
if( cmd[0] == "tests" )
config.listSpec = List::Tests;
else if( cmd[0] == "reporters" )
config.listSpec = List::Reports;
config.setFilename( cmd[0] );
cmd.raiseError( "Expected [tests] or [reporters]" );
if( Command cmd = parser.find( "-s", "--success" ) ) {
if( cmd.argsCount() != 0 )
cmd.raiseError( "Does not accept arguments" );
config.setIncludeWhichResults( Include::SuccessfulResults );
if( cmd.argsCount() >= 2 ) {
if( cmd[1] == "xml" )
config.listSpec = static_cast<List::What>( listSpec | List::AsXml );
else if( cmd[1] == "text" )
config.listSpec = static_cast<List::What>( listSpec | List::AsText );
cmd.raiseError( "Expected [xml] or [text]" );
if( Command cmd = parser.find( "-b", "--break" ) ) {
if( cmd.argsCount() != 0 )
cmd.raiseError( "Does not accept arguments" );
config.setShouldDebugBreak( true );
if( Command cmd = parser.find( "-n", "--name" ) ) {
if( cmd.argsCount() != 1 )
cmd.raiseError( "Expected a name" );
config.setName( cmd[0] );
if( Command cmd = parser.find( "-h", "-?", "--help" ) ) {
if( cmd.argsCount() != 0 )
cmd.raiseError( "Does not accept arguments" );
config.setShowHelp( true );
if( Command cmd = parser.find( "-a", "--abort" ) ) {
if( cmd.argsCount() > 1 )
cmd.raiseError( "Only accepts 0-1 arguments" );
int threshold = 1;
if( cmd.argsCount() == 1 )
std::stringstream ss;
ss << cmd[0];
ss >> threshold;
config.setCutoff( threshold );
if( Command cmd = parser.find( "-nt", "--nothrow" ) ) {
if( cmd.argsCount() != 0 )
cmd.raiseError( "Does not accept arguments" );
config.setAllowThrows( false );
catch( std::exception& ex ) {
config.setError( ex.what() );
return false;
return true;
if( Command cmd = parser.find( "-t", "--test" ) ) {
if( cmd.argsCount() == 0 )
cmd.raiseError( "Expected at least one argument" );
for( std::size_t i = 0; i < cmd.argsCount(); ++i )
config.testSpecs.push_back( cmd[i] );
if( Command cmd = parser.find( "-r", "--reporter" ) ) {
if( cmd.argsCount() != 1 )
cmd.raiseError( "Expected one argument" );
config.reporter = cmd[0];
if( Command cmd = parser.find( "-o", "--out" ) ) {
if( cmd.argsCount() == 0 )
cmd.raiseError( "Expected filename" );
if( cmd[0][0] == '%' )
config.stream = cmd[0].substr( 1 );
config.outputFilename = cmd[0];
if( Command cmd = parser.find( "-s", "--success" ) ) {
if( cmd.argsCount() != 0 )
cmd.raiseError( "Does not accept arguments" );
config.includeWhichResults = Include::SuccessfulResults;
if( Command cmd = parser.find( "-b", "--break" ) ) {
if( cmd.argsCount() != 0 )
cmd.raiseError( "Does not accept arguments" );
config.shouldDebugBreak = true;
if( Command cmd = parser.find( "-n", "--name" ) ) {
if( cmd.argsCount() != 1 )
cmd.raiseError( "Expected a name" );
config.name = cmd[0];
if( Command cmd = parser.find( "-a", "--abort" ) ) {
if( cmd.argsCount() > 1 )
cmd.raiseError( "Only accepts 0-1 arguments" );
int threshold = 1;
if( cmd.argsCount() == 1 ) {
std::stringstream ss;
ss << cmd[0];
ss >> threshold;
config.cutoff = threshold;
if( Command cmd = parser.find( "-nt", "--nothrow" ) ) {
if( cmd.argsCount() != 0 )
cmd.raiseError( "Does not accept arguments" );
config.allowThrows = false;
} // end namespace Catch
@ -38,6 +38,28 @@ namespace Catch {
AsMask = 0xf0
}; };
struct ConfigData {
: listSpec( List::None ),
shouldDebugBreak( false ),
includeWhichResults( Include::FailedOnly ),
cutoff( -1 ),
allowThrows( true )
std::string reporter;
std::string outputFilename;
List::What listSpec;
std::vector<std::string> testSpecs;
bool shouldDebugBreak;
std::string stream;
Include::WhichResults includeWhichResults;
std::string name;
int cutoff;
bool allowThrows;
class Config : public IReporterConfig, public IConfig {
Config( const Config& other );
@ -45,14 +67,14 @@ namespace Catch {
: m_listSpec( List::None ),
m_shouldDebugBreak( false ),
m_showHelp( false ),
: m_streambuf( NULL ),
m_os( std::cout.rdbuf() )
Config( const ConfigData& data )
: m_data( data ),
m_streambuf( NULL ),
m_os( std::cout.rdbuf() ),
m_includeWhichResults( Include::FailedOnly ),
m_cutoff( -1 ),
m_allowThrows( true )
m_os( std::cout.rdbuf() )
~Config() {
@ -62,44 +84,28 @@ namespace Catch {
void setReporter( const std::string& reporterName ) {
if( m_reporter.get() )
return setError( "Only one reporter may be specified" );
throw std::domain_error( "Only one reporter may be specified" );
setReporter( getCurrentContext().getReporterRegistry().create( reporterName, *this ) );
void addTestSpec( const std::string& testSpec ) {
m_testSpecs.push_back( testSpec );
void setFilename( const std::string& filename ) {
m_data.outputFilename = filename;
bool testsSpecified() const {
return !m_testSpecs.empty();
return !m_data.testSpecs.empty();
const std::vector<std::string>& getTestSpecs() const {
return m_testSpecs;
return m_data.testSpecs;
List::What getListSpec( void ) const {
return m_listSpec;
return m_data.listSpec;
void setListSpec( List::What listSpec ) {
m_listSpec = listSpec;
void setFilename( const std::string& filename ) {
m_filename = filename;
const std::string& getFilename() const {
return m_filename;
const std::string& getMessage() const {
return m_message;
void setError( const std::string& errorMessage ) {
m_message = errorMessage;
return m_data.outputFilename ;
void setReporter( IReporter* reporter ) {
@ -113,39 +119,19 @@ namespace Catch {
List::What listWhat() const {
return static_cast<List::What>( m_listSpec & List::WhatMask );
return static_cast<List::What>( m_data.listSpec & List::WhatMask );
List::What listAs() const {
return static_cast<List::What>( m_listSpec & List::AsMask );
void setIncludeWhichResults( Include::WhichResults includeWhichResults ) {
m_includeWhichResults = includeWhichResults;
void setShouldDebugBreak( bool shouldDebugBreakFlag ) {
m_shouldDebugBreak = shouldDebugBreakFlag;
void setName( const std::string& name ) {
m_name = name;
return static_cast<List::What>( m_data.listSpec & List::AsMask );
std::string getName() const {
return m_name;
return m_data.name;
bool shouldDebugBreak() const {
return m_shouldDebugBreak;
void setShowHelp( bool showHelpFlag ) {
m_showHelp = showHelpFlag;
bool showHelp() const {
return m_showHelp;
return m_data.shouldDebugBreak;
virtual std::ostream& stream() const {
@ -164,53 +150,30 @@ namespace Catch {
virtual bool includeSuccessfulResults() const {
return m_includeWhichResults == Include::SuccessfulResults;
return m_data.includeWhichResults == Include::SuccessfulResults;
int getCutoff() const {
return m_cutoff;
void setCutoff( int cutoff ) {
m_cutoff = cutoff;
void setAllowThrows( bool allowThrows ) {
m_allowThrows = allowThrows;
return m_data.cutoff;
virtual bool allowThrows() const {
return m_allowThrows;
return m_data.allowThrows;
ConfigData& data() {
return m_data;
ConfigData m_data;
// !TBD Move these out of here
Ptr<IReporter> m_reporter;
std::string m_filename;
std::string m_message;
List::What m_listSpec;
std::vector<std::string> m_testSpecs;
bool m_shouldDebugBreak;
bool m_showHelp;
std::streambuf* m_streambuf;
mutable std::ostream m_os;
Include::WhichResults m_includeWhichResults;
std::string m_name;
int m_cutoff;
bool m_allowThrows;
struct NewConfig {
std::string reporter;
std::string outputFilename;
List::What listSpec;
std::vector<std::string> testSpecs;
bool shouldDebugBreak;
bool showHelp;
Include::WhichResults includeWhichResults;
std::string name;
} // end namespace Catch
@ -61,7 +61,8 @@ namespace Catch {
m_config( config ),
m_reporter( config.getReporter() ),
m_prevRunner( &m_context.getRunner() ),
m_prevResultCapture( &m_context.getResultCapture() )
m_prevResultCapture( &m_context.getResultCapture() ),
m_prevConfig( m_context.getConfig() )
m_context.setRunner( this );
m_context.setConfig( &m_config );
@ -74,6 +75,7 @@ namespace Catch {
m_context.setRunner( m_prevRunner );
m_context.setConfig( NULL );
m_context.setResultCapture( m_prevResultCapture );
m_context.setConfig( m_prevConfig );
virtual void runAll( bool runHiddenTests = false ) {
@ -293,6 +295,7 @@ namespace Catch {
std::vector<ResultInfo> m_info;
IRunner* m_prevRunner;
IResultCapture* m_prevResultCapture;
const IConfig* m_prevConfig;
} // end namespace Catch
@ -60,200 +60,154 @@ TEST_CASE( "meta/Misc/Sections", "looped tests" ) {
#include "../../include/reporters/catch_reporter_junit.hpp"
template<size_t size>
bool parseIntoConfig( const char * (&argv)[size], Catch::Config& config ) {
return Catch::parseIntoConfig( Catch::CommandParser( size, argv ), config );
void parseIntoConfig( const char * (&argv)[size], Catch::ConfigData& config ) {
Catch::parseIntoConfig( Catch::CommandParser( size, argv ), config );
TEST_CASE( "selftest/parser", "" ) {
template<size_t size>
std::string parseIntoConfigAndReturnError( const char * (&argv)[size], Catch::ConfigData& config ) {
try {
Catch::parseIntoConfig( Catch::CommandParser( size, argv ), config );
catch( std::exception& ex ) {
return ex.what();
return "";
TEST_CASE( "selftest/parser/2", "ConfigData" ) {
Catch::ConfigData config;
SECTION( "default", "" ) {
const char* argv[] = { "test" };
Catch::Config config;
CHECK( parseIntoConfig( argv, config ) );
CHECK_NOTHROW( parseIntoConfig( argv, config ) );
CHECK( config.getTestSpecs().empty() );
CHECK( config.shouldDebugBreak() == false );
CHECK( config.showHelp() == false );
CHECK( config.getCutoff() == -1 );
CHECK( config.allowThrows() == true );
CHECK( dynamic_cast<Catch::BasicReporter*>( config.getReporter().get() ) );
CHECK( config.testSpecs.empty() );
CHECK( config.shouldDebugBreak == false );
CHECK( config.cutoff == -1 );
CHECK( config.allowThrows == true );
CHECK( config.reporter.empty() );
SECTION( "test lists", "" ) {
SECTION( "-t/1", "Specify one test case using -t" ) {
const char* argv[] = { "test", "-t", "test1" };
Catch::Config config;
CHECK( parseIntoConfig( argv, config ) );
CHECK_NOTHROW( parseIntoConfig( argv, config ) );
REQUIRE( config.getTestSpecs().size() == 1 );
REQUIRE( config.getTestSpecs()[0] == "test1" );
REQUIRE( config.testSpecs.size() == 1 );
REQUIRE( config.testSpecs[0] == "test1" );
SECTION( "--test/1", "Specify one test case using --test" ) {
const char* argv[] = { "test", "--test", "test1" };
Catch::Config config;
CHECK( parseIntoConfig( argv, config ) );
CHECK_NOTHROW( parseIntoConfig( argv, config ) );
REQUIRE( config.getTestSpecs().size() == 1 );
REQUIRE( config.getTestSpecs()[0] == "test1" );
REQUIRE( config.testSpecs.size() == 1 );
REQUIRE( config.testSpecs[0] == "test1" );
SECTION( "-t/2", "Specify two test cases using -t" ) {
const char* argv[] = { "test", "-t", "test1", "test2" };
Catch::Config config;
CHECK( parseIntoConfig( argv, config ) );
CHECK_NOTHROW( parseIntoConfig( argv, config ) );
REQUIRE( config.getTestSpecs().size() == 2 );
REQUIRE( config.getTestSpecs()[0] == "test1" );
REQUIRE( config.getTestSpecs()[1] == "test2" );
REQUIRE( config.testSpecs.size() == 2 );
REQUIRE( config.testSpecs[0] == "test1" );
REQUIRE( config.testSpecs[1] == "test2" );
SECTION( "-t/0", "When no test names are supplied it is an error" ) {
const char* argv[] = { "test", "-t" };
Catch::Config config;
CHECK( parseIntoConfig( argv, config ) == false );
REQUIRE_THAT( config.getMessage(), Contains( "at least one" ) );
REQUIRE_THAT( parseIntoConfigAndReturnError( argv, config ), Contains( "at least one" ) );
SECTION( "reporter", "" ) {
SECTION( "-r/basic", "" ) {
const char* argv[] = { "test", "-reporter", "basic" };
Catch::Config config;
CHECK( parseIntoConfig( argv, config ) );
const char* argv[] = { "test", "-r", "basic" };
CHECK_NOTHROW( parseIntoConfig( argv, config ) );
REQUIRE( dynamic_cast<Catch::BasicReporter*>( config.getReporter().get() ) );
REQUIRE( config.reporter == "basic" );
SECTION( "-r/xml", "" ) {
const char* argv[] = { "test", "-r", "xml" };
Catch::Config config;
CHECK( parseIntoConfig( argv, config ) );
CHECK_NOTHROW( parseIntoConfig( argv, config ) );
REQUIRE( dynamic_cast<Catch::XmlReporter*>( config.getReporter().get() ) );
REQUIRE( config.reporter == "xml" );
SECTION( "-r/junit", "" ) {
const char* argv[] = { "test", "-r", "junit" };
Catch::Config config;
CHECK( parseIntoConfig( argv, config ) );
SECTION( "--reporter/junit", "" ) {
const char* argv[] = { "test", "--reporter", "junit" };
CHECK_NOTHROW( parseIntoConfig( argv, config ) );
REQUIRE( dynamic_cast<Catch::JunitReporter*>( config.getReporter().get() ) );
REQUIRE( config.reporter == "junit" );
SECTION( "-r/error", "reporter config only accepts one argument" ) {
const char* argv[] = { "test", "-r", "one", "two" };
Catch::Config config;
CHECK( parseIntoConfig( argv, config ) == false );
REQUIRE_THAT( config.getMessage(), Contains( "one argument" ) );
REQUIRE_THAT( parseIntoConfigAndReturnError( argv, config ), Contains( "one argument" ) );
SECTION( "debugger", "" ) {
SECTION( "-b", "" ) {
const char* argv[] = { "test", "-b" };
Catch::Config config;
CHECK( parseIntoConfig( argv, config ) );
CHECK_NOTHROW( parseIntoConfig( argv, config ) );
REQUIRE( config.shouldDebugBreak() == true );
REQUIRE( config.shouldDebugBreak == true );
SECTION( "--break", "" ) {
const char* argv[] = { "test", "--break" };
Catch::Config config;
CHECK( parseIntoConfig( argv, config ) );
CHECK_NOTHROW( parseIntoConfig( argv, config ) );
REQUIRE( config.shouldDebugBreak() );
REQUIRE( config.shouldDebugBreak );
SECTION( "-b", "break option has no arguments" ) {
const char* argv[] = { "test", "-b", "unexpected" };
Catch::Config config;
CHECK( parseIntoConfig( argv, config ) == false );
REQUIRE_THAT( config.getMessage(), Contains( "not accept" ) );
REQUIRE_THAT( parseIntoConfigAndReturnError( argv, config ), Contains( "not accept" ) );
SECTION( "help", "" ) {
SECTION( "-h", "" ) {
const char* argv[] = { "test", "-h" };
Catch::Config config;
CHECK( parseIntoConfig( argv, config ) );
REQUIRE( config.showHelp() );
SECTION( "-?", "" ) {
const char* argv[] = { "test", "-?" };
Catch::Config config;
CHECK( parseIntoConfig( argv, config ) );
REQUIRE( config.showHelp() );
SECTION( "--help", "" ) {
const char* argv[] = { "test", "--help" };
Catch::Config config;
CHECK( parseIntoConfig( argv, config ) );
REQUIRE( config.showHelp() );
SECTION( "-h", "help option has no arguments" ) {
const char* argv[] = { "test", "-h", "unexpected" };
Catch::Config config;
CHECK( parseIntoConfig( argv, config ) == false );
REQUIRE_THAT( config.getMessage(), Contains( "not accept" ) );
SECTION( "abort", "" ) {
SECTION( "-a", "" ) {
const char* argv[] = { "test", "-a" };
Catch::Config config;
CHECK( parseIntoConfig( argv, config ) );
CHECK_NOTHROW( parseIntoConfig( argv, config ) );
REQUIRE( config.getCutoff() == 1 );
REQUIRE( config.cutoff == 1 );
SECTION( "-a/2", "" ) {
const char* argv[] = { "test", "-a", "2" };
Catch::Config config;
CHECK( parseIntoConfig( argv, config ) );
CHECK_NOTHROW( parseIntoConfig( argv, config ) );
REQUIRE( config.getCutoff() == 2 );
REQUIRE( config.cutoff == 2 );
SECTION( "-a/error", "cutoff only takes one argument" ) {
const char* argv[] = { "test", "-a", "1", "2" };
Catch::Config config;
CHECK( parseIntoConfig( argv, config ) == false );
REQUIRE_THAT( config.getMessage(), Contains( "accepts" ) );
REQUIRE_THAT( parseIntoConfigAndReturnError( argv, config ), Contains( "accepts" ) );
SECTION( "nothrow", "" ) {
SECTION( "-nt", "" ) {
const char* argv[] = { "test", "-nt" };
Catch::Config config;
CHECK( parseIntoConfig( argv, config ) );
CHECK_NOTHROW( parseIntoConfig( argv, config ) );
REQUIRE( config.allowThrows() == false );
REQUIRE( config.allowThrows == false );
SECTION( "--nothrow", "" ) {
const char* argv[] = { "test", "--nothrow" };
Catch::Config config;
CHECK( parseIntoConfig( argv, config ) );
CHECK_NOTHROW( parseIntoConfig( argv, config ) );
REQUIRE( config.allowThrows() == false );
REQUIRE( config.allowThrows == false );
SECTION( "combinations", "" ) {
SECTION( "-a -b", "" ) {
const char* argv[] = { "test", "-a", "-b", "-nt" };
Catch::Config config;
CHECK( parseIntoConfig( argv, config ) );
CHECK_NOTHROW( parseIntoConfig( argv, config ) );
CHECK( config.getCutoff() == 1 );
CHECK( config.shouldDebugBreak() );
CHECK( config.allowThrows() == false );
CHECK( config.cutoff == 1 );
CHECK( config.shouldDebugBreak );
CHECK( config.allowThrows == false );
Reference in New Issue
Block a user