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Cell properties

By default all cells created in libfort tables will have the same properties. So for example if you want your first row to be a header for your table you should explicitly specify corresponding options.

To change cell properties one should use functions ft_set_cell_prop and ft_set_default_cell_prop:

/* Change cell properties for all new tables */
int ft_set_default_cell_prop(uint32_t property, int value);
/* Change cell properties for the particular table */
int ft_set_cell_prop(ft_table_t *table, size_t row, size_t col, uint32_t property, int value);

To change cell properties for all cells in the row, in the column or for the entire table use macros FT_ANY_COLUMN and FT_ANY_ROW:

Example Use case
ft_set_cell_prop(table, row, FT_ANY_COLUMN, property, value) Set property for all cells in the row
ft_set_cell_prop(table, FT_ANY_ROW, col, property, value) Set property for all cells in the column
ft_set_cell_prop(table, FT_ANY_ROW, FT_ANY_COLUMN, property, value) Set property for all cells in the table

Here is a simple example:

ft_table_t *table = ft_create_table();                                       
ft_set_cell_prop(table, 0, FT_ANY_COLUMN, FT_CPROP_ROW_TYPE, FT_ROW_HEADER);
ft_write_ln(table, "N", "Driver", "Time", "Avg Speed");                      
ft_write_ln(table, "1", "Ricciardo", "1:25.945", "222.128");                 
ft_write_ln(table, "2", "Hamilton", "1:26.373", "221.027");                  
ft_write_ln(table, "3", "Verstappen", "1:26.469", "220.782");   
/* Set right text alignment for cell(0, 1) */             
ft_set_cell_prop(table, 0, 1, FT_CPROP_TEXT_ALIGN, FT_ALIGNED_RIGHT);       
/* Set minimum cell width to 30 for cell(0, 1) */
ft_set_cell_prop(table, 0, 1, FT_CPROP_MIN_WIDTH, 30);      
/* Set left padding = 3 for all cells in the 3rd column */
ft_set_cell_prop(table, FT_ANY_ROW, 3, FT_CPROP_LEFT_PADDING, 3);
printf("%s\n", ft_to_string(table));                                         
| N |                       Driver | Time     |   Avg Speed |
| 1 | Ricciardo                    | 1:25.945 |   222.128   |
| 2 | Hamilton                     | 1:26.373 |   221.027   |
| 3 | Verstappen                   | 1:26.469 |   220.782   |

List of all possible cell properties:

Property Description Possible values
FT_CPROP_MIN_WIDTH Minimum width Non negative int
FT_CPROP_TEXT_ALIGN Text alignment enum ft_text_alignment
FT_CPROP_TOP_PADDING Top padding for cell content Non negative int
FT_CPROP_BOTTOM_PADDING Bottom padding for cell content Non negative int
FT_CPROP_LEFT_PADDING Left padding for cell content Non negative int
FT_CPROP_EMPTY_STR_HEIGHT Right padding for cell content Non negative int
FT_CPROP_ROW_TYPE Row type enum ft_row_type
FT_CPROP_CONT_FG_COLOR Content foreground color enum ft_color
FT_CPROP_CELL_BG_COLOR Cell background color enum ft_color
FT_CPROP_CONT_BG_COLOR Content background color enum ft_color
FT_CPROP_CELL_TEXT_STYLE Cell text style enum ft_text_style
FT_CPROP_CONT_TEXT_STYLE Content text style enum ft_text_style


enum ft_text_alignment {
    FT_ALIGNED_LEFT = 0,     /**< Align left */
    FT_ALIGNED_CENTER,       /**< Align center */
    FT_ALIGNED_RIGHT         /**< Align right */

enum ft_row_type {
    FT_ROW_COMMON = 0,      /**< Common row */
    FT_ROW_HEADER           /**< Header row */

enum ft_color {
    FT_COLOR_DEFAULT        = 0,
    FT_COLOR_BLACK          = 1,
    FT_COLOR_RED            = 2,
    FT_COLOR_GREEN          = 3,
    FT_COLOR_YELLOW         = 4,
    FT_COLOR_BLUE           = 5,
    FT_COLOR_MAGENTA        = 6,
    FT_COLOR_CYAN           = 7,
    FT_COLOR_LIGHT_GRAY     = 8,
    FT_COLOR_DARK_GRAY      = 9,
    FT_COLOR_LIGHT_RED      = 10,
    FT_COLOR_LIGHT_BLUE     = 13,
    FT_COLOR_LIGHT_CYAN     = 16,

enum ft_text_style {
    FT_TSTYLE_DEFAULT    = (1U << 0),
    FT_TSTYLE_BOLD       = (1U << 1),
    FT_TSTYLE_DIM        = (1U << 2),
    FT_TSTYLE_ITALIC     = (1U << 3),
    FT_TSTYLE_BLINK      = (1U << 5),
    FT_TSTYLE_INVERTED   = (1U << 6),
    FT_TSTYLE_HIDDEN     = (1U << 7)

Table properties

To change table properties use functions ft_set_tbl_prop and ft_set_default_tbl_prop:

/* Change table properties for all new tables */
int ft_set_default_tbl_prop(uint32_t property, int value);
/* Change table properties for the particular table */
int ft_set_tbl_prop(ft_table_t *table, uint32_t property, int value);

List of all possible table properties:

Property Description Possible values
FT_TPROP_LEFT_MARGIN Left margin Non negative int
FT_TPROP_TOP_MARGIN Top margin Non negative int
FT_TPROP_RIGHT_MARGIN Right margin Non negative int
FT_TPROP_BOTTOM_MARGIN Bottom margin Non negative int

Table margins are used during conversion to string representation:

   M        ^                  M    
 L a        |  Top margin    R a  
 e r        v                i r
 f g   ╔═══════╤════════╗    g g
 t i   ║ Cell  │ Cell   ║    h i
   n   ╠═══════╪════════╣    t n
<----->║ Cell  │ Cell   ║<------------>
            |  Bottom margin