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synced 2025-03-12 06:14:46 +01:00
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@ -39,9 +39,9 @@ class MonotoneMountain {
var size = 0
val convexPoints = new Queue[Point]
// Monotone mountain points
// Monotone mountain points
val monoPoly = new ArrayBuffer[Point]
// Triangles that constitute the mountain
// Triangles that constitute the mountain
val triangles = new ArrayBuffer[Array[Point]]
// Used to track which side of the line we are on
var positive = false
@ -83,9 +83,6 @@ class MonotoneMountain {
// create monotone polygon - for dubug purposes
if(size == 3) {
} else {
// Initialize internal angles at each nonbase vertex
// Link strictly convex vertices into a list, ignore reflex vertices
var p = head.next
@ -115,17 +112,17 @@ class MonotoneMountain {
if(valid(c)) convexPoints.enqueue(c)
assert(size <= 3, "Triangulation bug")
def valid(p: Point) = (p.prev != null && p.next != null && convex(p))
// Create the monotone polygon
private def genMonoPoly {
var p = head
var p = head
while(p != null) {
monoPoly += p
p = p.next
monoPoly += p
p = p.next
@ -147,15 +144,4 @@ class MonotoneMountain {
else true
private def lastTriangle {
val triangle = new Array[Point](3)
var i = 0
var p = head
while(p != null) {
triangle(i) = p
p = p.next
i += 1
triangles += triangle
@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ case class Point(val x: Float, val y: Float) {
def dot(p: Point) = x * p.x + y * p.y
def length = Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y).toFloat
def normalize = this / length
def !(p: Point) = !(p.x == x && p.y == y)
def <(p: Point) = {
if(p.x == x)
@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ class Poly2TriDemo extends BasicGame("Poly2Tri") {
var quit = false
var debug = false
var drawMap = false
var drawSegs = false
var drawSegs = true
var hiLighter = 0
def init(container: GameContainer) {
@ -104,10 +104,10 @@ class Poly2TriDemo extends BasicGame("Poly2Tri") {
val triangle = new Polygon
tesselator.triangles(hiLighter).foreach(p => triangle.addPoint(p.x, p.y))
//val triangle = new Polygon
//tesselator.triangles(hiLighter).foreach(p => triangle.addPoint(p.x, p.y))
} else if (debug && drawMap){
for(mp <- tesselator.monoPolies) {
val poly = new Polygon
@ -189,7 +189,7 @@ class Poly2TriDemo extends BasicGame("Poly2Tri") {
segments += new Segment(p16, p1)
tesselator = new Triangulator(segments)
tesselator process
def star {
@ -217,7 +217,7 @@ class Poly2TriDemo extends BasicGame("Poly2Tri") {
segments += new Segment(p9, p10)
segments += new Segment(p10, p1)
tesselator = new Triangulator(segments)
tesselator process
// Test #2
@ -252,7 +252,7 @@ class Poly2TriDemo extends BasicGame("Poly2Tri") {
segments += new Segment(p11, p12)
segments += new Segment(p12, p1)
tesselator = new Triangulator(segments)
tesselator process
@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ class QueryGraph(var head: Node) {
def locate(s: Segment) = head.locate(s).trapezoid
def followSegment(s: Segment) = {
assert(s.p.x < s.q.x)
val trapezoids = new ArrayBuffer[Trapezoid]
trapezoids += locate(s)
var j = 0
@ -41,16 +41,6 @@ class Trapezoid(val leftPoint: Point, var rightPoint: Point, val top: Segment, v
var upperRight: Trapezoid = null
var lowerRight: Trapezoid = null
def updateLeftNeighbors(ul: Trapezoid, ll: Trapezoid) {
if(upperLeft != null && upperLeft.top == top) upperLeft.upperRight = ul
if(lowerLeft != null && lowerLeft.bottom == bottom) lowerLeft.lowerRight = ll
def updateRightNeighbors(ur: Trapezoid, lr: Trapezoid) {
if(upperRight != null && upperRight.top == top) upperRight.upperLeft = ur
if(lowerRight != null && lowerRight.bottom == bottom) lowerRight.lowerLeft = lr
def update(ul: Trapezoid, ll: Trapezoid, ur: Trapezoid, lr: Trapezoid) {
upperLeft = ul; if(ul != null) ul.upperRight = this
lowerLeft = ll; if(ll != null) ll.lowerRight = this
@ -62,10 +52,10 @@ class Trapezoid(val leftPoint: Point, var rightPoint: Point, val top: Segment, v
def trimNeighbors {
if(inside) {
inside = false
if(upperLeft != null) {upperLeft.trimNeighbors}
if(lowerLeft != null) {lowerLeft.trimNeighbors}
if(upperRight != null) {upperRight.trimNeighbors}
if(lowerRight != null) {lowerRight.trimNeighbors}
if(upperLeft != null) upperLeft.trimNeighbors
if(lowerLeft != null) lowerLeft.trimNeighbors
if(upperRight != null) upperRight.trimNeighbors
if(lowerRight != null) lowerRight.trimNeighbors
@ -85,14 +75,14 @@ class Trapezoid(val leftPoint: Point, var rightPoint: Point, val top: Segment, v
def lineIntersect(s: Segment, x: Float) = {
val y = s.slope * x + s.b
new Point(x, y)
Point(x, y)
// Add points to monotone mountain
def addPoints {
if(leftPoint != bottom.p) bottom.mPoints += leftPoint
if(rightPoint != bottom.q) bottom.mPoints += rightPoint
if(leftPoint != top.p) top.mPoints += leftPoint
if(rightPoint != top.q) top.mPoints += rightPoint
if(leftPoint ! bottom.p) bottom.mPoints += leftPoint.clone
if(rightPoint ! bottom.q) bottom.mPoints += rightPoint.clone
if(leftPoint ! top.p) top.mPoints += leftPoint.clone
if(rightPoint ! top.q) top.mPoints += rightPoint.clone
@ -67,14 +67,11 @@ class TrapezoidalMap {
// break trapezoid into 4 smaller trapezoids
def case1(t: Trapezoid, s: Segment) = {
assert(s.p.x != s.q.x)
assert(s.p.x < s.q.x)
val trapezoids = new Array[Trapezoid](4)
trapezoids(0) = new Trapezoid(t.leftPoint, s.p, t.top, t.bottom)
trapezoids(1) = new Trapezoid(s.p, s.q, t.top, s)
trapezoids(2) = new Trapezoid(s.p, s.q, s, t.bottom)
trapezoids(3) = new Trapezoid(s.q, t.rightPoint, t.top, t.bottom)
trapezoids(0) = new Trapezoid(t.leftPoint.clone, s.p.clone, t.top, t.bottom)
trapezoids(1) = new Trapezoid(s.p.clone, s.q.clone, t.top, s)
trapezoids(2) = new Trapezoid(s.p.clone, s.q.clone, s, t.bottom)
trapezoids(3) = new Trapezoid(s.q.clone, t.rightPoint.clone, t.top, t.bottom)
trapezoids(0).update(t.upperLeft, t.lowerLeft, trapezoids(1), trapezoids(2))
trapezoids(1).update(trapezoids(0), null, trapezoids(3), null)
@ -94,9 +91,9 @@ class TrapezoidalMap {
assert(s.p.x < s.q.x)
val trapezoids = new Array[Trapezoid](3)
trapezoids(0) = new Trapezoid(t.leftPoint, s.p, t.top, t.bottom)
trapezoids(1) = new Trapezoid(s.p, t.rightPoint, t.top, s)
trapezoids(2) = new Trapezoid(s.p, t.rightPoint, s, t.bottom)
trapezoids(0) = new Trapezoid(t.leftPoint.clone, s.p.clone, t.top, t.bottom)
trapezoids(1) = new Trapezoid(s.p.clone, t.rightPoint.clone, t.top, s)
trapezoids(2) = new Trapezoid(s.p.clone, t.rightPoint.clone, s, t.bottom)
trapezoids(0).update(t.upperLeft, t.lowerLeft, trapezoids(1), trapezoids(2))
trapezoids(1).update(trapezoids(0), null, t.upperRight, null)
@ -113,20 +110,17 @@ class TrapezoidalMap {
// Case 3: Trapezoid is bisected
def case3(t: Trapezoid, s: Segment) = {
assert(s.p.x != s.q.x)
assert(s.p.x < s.q.x)
val topCross = (tCross == t.top)
val bottomCross = (bCross == t.bottom)
val trapezoids = new Array[Trapezoid](2)
trapezoids(0) = if(topCross) t.upperLeft else new Trapezoid(t.leftPoint, t.rightPoint, t.top, s)
trapezoids(1) = if(bottomCross) t.lowerLeft else new Trapezoid(t.leftPoint, t.rightPoint, s, t.bottom)
trapezoids(0) = if(topCross) t.upperLeft else new Trapezoid(t.leftPoint.clone, t.rightPoint.clone, t.top, s)
trapezoids(1) = if(bottomCross) t.lowerLeft else new Trapezoid(t.leftPoint.clone, t.rightPoint.clone, s, t.bottom)
if(topCross) {
trapezoids(0).upperRight = t.upperRight
if(t.upperRight != null) t.upperRight.upperLeft = trapezoids(0)
trapezoids(0).rightPoint = t.rightPoint
trapezoids(0).rightPoint = t.rightPoint.clone
} else {
trapezoids(0).update(t.upperLeft, s.above, t.upperRight, null)
@ -134,7 +128,7 @@ class TrapezoidalMap {
if(bottomCross) {
trapezoids(1).lowerRight = t.lowerRight
if(t.lowerRight != null) t.lowerRight.lowerLeft = trapezoids(1)
trapezoids(1).rightPoint = t.rightPoint
trapezoids(1).rightPoint = t.rightPoint.clone
} else {
trapezoids(1).update(s.below, t.lowerLeft, null, t.lowerRight)
@ -150,27 +144,25 @@ class TrapezoidalMap {
// Case 4: Trapezoid contains point q, p lies outside
// break trapezoid into 3 smaller trapezoids
def case4(t: Trapezoid, s: Segment) = {
assert(s.p.x < s.q.x)
val topCross = (tCross == t.top)
val bottomCross = (bCross == t.bottom)
val trapezoids = new Array[Trapezoid](3)
trapezoids(0) = if(topCross) t.upperLeft else new Trapezoid(t.leftPoint, s.q, t.top, s)
trapezoids(1) = if(bottomCross) t.lowerLeft else new Trapezoid(t.leftPoint, s.q, s, t.bottom)
trapezoids(2) = new Trapezoid(s.q, t.rightPoint, t.top, t.bottom)
trapezoids(0) = if(topCross) t.upperLeft else new Trapezoid(t.leftPoint.clone, s.q.clone, t.top, s)
trapezoids(1) = if(bottomCross) t.lowerLeft else new Trapezoid(t.leftPoint.clone, s.q.clone, s, t.bottom)
trapezoids(2) = new Trapezoid(s.q.clone, t.rightPoint.clone, t.top, t.bottom)
if(topCross) {
trapezoids(0).upperRight = trapezoids(2)
trapezoids(0).rightPoint = s.q
trapezoids(0).rightPoint = s.q.clone
} else {
trapezoids(0).update(t.upperLeft, s.above, trapezoids(2), null)
if(bottomCross) {
trapezoids(1).lowerRight = trapezoids(2)
trapezoids(1).rightPoint = s.q
trapezoids(1).rightPoint = s.q.clone
} else {
trapezoids(1).update(s.below, t.lowerLeft, null, trapezoids(2))
@ -186,24 +178,24 @@ class TrapezoidalMap {
// Create an AABB around segments
def boundingBox(segments: ArrayBuffer[Segment]): Trapezoid = {
var max = segments(0).p + margin
var min = segments(0).q - margin
var max = segments(0).p.clone + margin
var min = segments(0).q.clone - margin
for(s <- segments) {
if(s.p.x > max.x) max = Point(s.p.x + margin, max.y)
if(s.p.y > max.y) max = Point(max.x, s.p.y + margin)
if(s.q.x > max.x) max = Point(s.q.x+margin, max.y)
if(s.q.y > max.y) max = Point(max.x, s.q.y+margin)
if(s.p.x < min.x) min = Point(s.p.x-margin, min.y)
if(s.p.y < min.y) min = Point(min.x, s.p.y-margin)
if(s.q.x < min.x) min = Point(s.q.x-margin, min.y)
if(s.q.y < min.y) min = Point(min.x, s.q.y-margin)
if(s.p.clone.x > max.x) max = Point(s.p.x + margin, max.y)
if(s.p.clone.y > max.y) max = Point(max.x, s.p.y + margin)
if(s.q.clone.x > max.x) max = Point(s.q.x+margin, max.y)
if(s.q.clone.y > max.y) max = Point(max.x, s.q.y+margin)
if(s.p.clone.x < min.x) min = Point(s.p.x-margin, min.y)
if(s.p.clone.y < min.y) min = Point(min.x, s.p.y-margin)
if(s.q.clone.x < min.x) min = Point(s.q.x-margin, min.y)
if(s.q.clone.y < min.y) min = Point(min.x, s.q.y-margin)
val top = new Segment(Point(min.x, max.y), Point(max.x, max.y))
val bottom = new Segment(Point(min.x, min.y), Point(max.x, min.y))
val left = bottom.p
val right = bottom.q
val left = bottom.p.clone
val right = bottom.q.clone
return new Trapezoid(left, right, top, bottom)
@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ class Triangulator(segments: ArrayBuffer[Segment]) {
val mountain = new MonotoneMountain
val k = Util.msort((p1: Point, p2: Point) => p1 < p2)(s.mPoints.toList)
val points = s.p :: k ::: List(s.q)
points.foreach(p => mountain += p.clone)
points.foreach(p => mountain += p)
xMonoPoly += mountain
@ -147,9 +147,7 @@ class Triangulator(segments: ArrayBuffer[Segment]) {
segs += new Segment(s.p.clone, s.q.clone)
// Randomized triangulation improves performance
// See Seidel's paper, or O'Rourke's book, p. 57
// Turn this off for now because of pointer bug somewhere in DAG?
// The solution to this bug may be more apparent with a better Trapezoidal Map
// data structure... Maybe a modified doubly connected edge list?
// Turn this off for now because of pointer bug somewhere in DAG / trapezoidal map
Reference in New Issue
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