Added docparse

This commit is contained in:
David Beazley 2018-09-27 14:22:51 -05:00
parent 6a27431f81
commit 5fdc971f36
3 changed files with 264 additions and 0 deletions

example/schcls/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
# Proof of concept--not complete
from sly.docparse import DocParseMeta
from sly import Lexer, Parser
class SchLexer(Lexer):
tokens = { NUMBER, NAME, DEFINE, SET }
ignore = ' \t'
literals = ['=','+','-','*','/','(',')','.']
NAME = '[a-zA-Z_!][a-zA-Z0-9_!]*'
NAME['define'] = DEFINE
NAME['set!'] = SET
def NUMBER(self, t):
t.value = int(t.value)
return t
def newline(self, t):
self.lineno = t.lineno + t.value.count('\n')
def error(self, t):
print(f"{self.cls_module}.{self.cls_name}:{self.lineno}: * Illegal character", repr(self.text[self.index]))
self.index += 1
class SchParser(Parser):
tokens = SchLexer.tokens
precedence = (
('left', '+','-'),
('left', '*','/')
def __init__(self):
self.env = { }
def program(self, p):
return self.env
@_('declarations declaration')
def declarations(self, p):
def declarations(self, p):
@_("'(' DEFINE NAME expression ')'")
def declaration(self, p):
self.env[p.NAME] = p.expression
@_("'(' DEFINE '(' NAME arglist ')' exprlist ')'")
def declaration(self, p):
args = ','.join(p.arglist)
self.env[p.NAME] = eval(f"lambda {args}: ({','.join(p.exprlist)},)[-1]")
@_("'(' SET NAME '.' NAME expression ')'")
def expression(self, p):
return f'setattr({p.NAME0}, {p.NAME1!r}, {p.expression})'
def arglist(self, p):
return []
def arglist(self, p):
return p.arglist_nonempty
@_("arglist_nonempty NAME")
def arglist_nonempty(self, p):
return p.arglist_nonempty
def arglist_nonempty(self, p):
return [ p.NAME ]
def expression(self, p):
return str(p.NUMBER)
def expression(self, p):
@_("'(' operator exprlist ')'")
def expression(self, p):
return '(' + p.operator.join(p.exprlist) + ')'
@_("'+'", "'-'", "'*'", "'/'")
def operator(self, p):
return p[0]
@_("'(' name exprlist ')'")
def expression(self, p):
return + '(' + ','.join(p.exprlist) + ')'
@_("'(' name ')'")
def expression(self, p):
return + '()'
@_('exprlist expression')
def exprlist(self, p):
return p.exprlist
def exprlist(self, p):
return [ p.expression ]
@_("NAME '.' NAME")
def name(self, p):
return f'{p.NAME0}.{p.NAME1}'
def name(self, p):
return p.NAME
def error(self, p):
print(f'{self.cls_module}.{self.cls_name}:{getattr(p,"lineno","")}: '
f'Syntax error at {getattr(p,"value","EOC")}')
class SchMeta(DocParseMeta):
lexer = SchLexer
parser = SchParser
class Sch(metaclass=SchMeta):
class Rat(Sch):
(define (__init__ self numer denom)
(set! self.numer numer)
(set! self.denom denom)
(define (__add__ self other)
(Rat (+ (* self.numer other.denom)
(* self.denom other.numer))
(* self.denom other.denom)
(define (__sub__ self other)
(Rat (- (* self.numer other.denom)
(* self.denom other.numer))
(* self.denom other.denom)
(define (__mul__ self other)
(Rat (* self.numer other.numer)
(* self.denom other.denom)
(define (__truediv__ self other)
(Rat (* self.numer other.denom)
(* self.denom other.numer)
def __repr__(self):
return f'Rat({self.numer}, {self.denom})'
if __name__ == '__main__':
a = Rat(2, 3)
b = Rat(1, 4)
print(a + b)
print(a - b)
print(a * b)
print(a / b)

sly/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
# sly/
import sys
class AST(object):
def __init_subclass__(cls, **kwargs):
mod = sys.modules[cls.__module__]
if not hasattr(cls, '__annotations__'):
hints = list(cls.__annotations__.items())
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
if len(hints) != len(args):
raise TypeError(f'Expected {len(hints)} arguments')
for arg, (name, val) in zip(args, hints):
if isinstance(val, str):
val = getattr(mod, val)
if not isinstance(arg, val):
raise TypeError(f'{name} argument must be {val}')
setattr(self, name, arg)
cls.__init__ = __init__

sly/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
# Support doc-string parsing classes
__all__ = [ 'DocParseMeta' ]
class DocParseMeta(type):
Metaclass that processes the class docstring through a parser and
incorporates the result into the resulting class definition. This
allows Python classes to be defined with alternative syntax.
To use this class, you first need to define a lexer and parser:
from sly import Lexer, Parser
class MyLexer(Lexer):
class MyParser(Parser):
You then need to define a metaclass that inherits from DocParseMeta.
This class must specify the associated lexer and parser classes.
For example:
class MyDocParseMeta(DocParseMeta):
lexer = MyLexer
parser = MyParser
This metaclass is then used as a base for processing user-defined
class Base(metaclass=MyDocParseMeta):
class Spam(Base):
doc string is parsed
It is expected that the MyParser() class would return a dictionary.
This dictionary is used to create the final class Spam in this example.
def __new__(meta, clsname, bases, clsdict):
if '__doc__' in clsdict:
lexer = meta.lexer()
parser = meta.parser()
lexer.cls_name = parser.cls_name = clsname
lexer.cls_qualname = parser.cls_qualname = clsdict['__qualname__']
lexer.cls_module = parser.cls_module = clsdict['__module__']
parsedict = parser.parse(lexer.tokenize(clsdict['__doc__']))
assert isinstance(parsedict, dict), 'Parser must return a dictionary'
return super().__new__(meta, clsname, bases, clsdict)
def __init_subclass__(cls):
assert hasattr(cls, 'parser') and hasattr(cls, 'lexer')