mirror of
synced 2025-03-25 11:54:47 +01:00
Approx cleanup: More tests, INFINITY handling, etc
This commit is contained in:
@ -8,18 +8,22 @@
#include "catch_approx.h"
#include <cmath>
#include <limits>
namespace {
// Performs equivalent check of std::fabs(lhs - rhs) <= margin
// But without the subtraction to allow for INFINITY in comparison
bool marginComparison(double lhs, double rhs, double margin) {
return (lhs + margin >= rhs) && (rhs + margin >= lhs);
namespace Catch {
namespace Detail {
double dmax(double lhs, double rhs) {
if (lhs < rhs) {
return rhs;
return lhs;
Approx::Approx ( double value )
: m_epsilon( std::numeric_limits<float>::epsilon()*100 ),
m_margin( 0.0 ),
@ -37,6 +41,12 @@ namespace Detail {
return oss.str();
bool Approx::equalityComparisonImpl(const double other) const {
// First try with fixed margin, then compute margin based on epsilon, scale and Approx's value
// Thanks to Richard Harris for his help refining the scaled margin value
return marginComparison(m_value, other, m_margin) || marginComparison(m_value, other, m_epsilon * (m_scale + std::fabs(m_value)));
} // end namespace Detail
std::string StringMaker<Catch::Detail::Approx>::convert(Catch::Detail::Approx const& value) {
@ -11,16 +11,15 @@
#include "catch_enforce.h"
#include "catch_tostring.h"
#include <cmath>
#include <type_traits>
namespace Catch {
namespace Detail {
double dmax(double lhs, double rhs);
class Approx {
bool equalityComparisonImpl(double other) const;
explicit Approx ( double value );
@ -42,15 +41,8 @@ namespace Detail {
template <typename T, typename = typename std::enable_if<std::is_constructible<double, T>::value>::type>
friend bool operator == ( const T& lhs, Approx const& rhs ) {
// Thanks to Richard Harris for his help refining this formula
auto lhs_v = static_cast<double>(lhs);
bool relativeOK = std::fabs( lhs_v - rhs.m_value ) < rhs.m_epsilon * (rhs.m_scale + std::fabs(rhs.m_value) );
if (relativeOK) {
return true;
return std::fabs(lhs_v - rhs.m_value) <= rhs.m_margin;
return rhs.equalityComparisonImpl(lhs_v);
template <typename T, typename = typename std::enable_if<std::is_constructible<double, T>::value>::type>
@ -90,18 +82,21 @@ namespace Detail {
template <typename T, typename = typename std::enable_if<std::is_constructible<double, T>::value>::type>
Approx& epsilon( T const& newEpsilon ) {
double asDouble = static_cast<double>(newEpsilon);
CATCH_ENFORCE(asDouble >= 0 && asDouble <= 1.0,
"Invalid Approx::epsilon: " << m_epsilon <<
", Approx::epsilon has to be between 0 and 1");
m_epsilon = asDouble;
double epsilonAsDouble = static_cast<double>(newEpsilon);
CATCH_ENFORCE(epsilonAsDouble >= 0 && epsilonAsDouble <= 1.0,
"Invalid Approx::epsilon: " << epsilonAsDouble
<< ", Approx::epsilon has to be between 0 and 1");
m_epsilon = epsilonAsDouble;
return *this;
template <typename T, typename = typename std::enable_if<std::is_constructible<double, T>::value>::type>
Approx& margin( T const& newMargin ) {
m_margin = static_cast<double>(newMargin);
CATCH_ENFORCE(m_margin >= 0, "Invalid Approx::margin: " << m_margin << ", Approx::Margin has to be non-negative.");
double marginAsDouble = static_cast<double>(newMargin);
CATCH_ENFORCE(marginAsDouble >= 0,
"Invalid Approx::margin: " << marginAsDouble
<< ", Approx::Margin has to be non-negative.");
m_margin = marginAsDouble;
return *this;
@ -8,6 +8,8 @@
#include "catch.hpp"
#include <cmath>
@ -25,7 +27,7 @@ TEST_CASE
REQUIRE( Approx( d ) != 1.22 );
REQUIRE( Approx( d ) != 1.24 );
REQUIRE( 0 == Approx(0) );
@ -106,7 +108,7 @@ TEST_CASE
REQUIRE( 1.0f == Approx( 1 ) );
REQUIRE( 0 == Approx( dZero) );
REQUIRE( 0 == Approx( dSmall ).epsilon( 0.001 ) );
REQUIRE( 0 == Approx( dSmall ).margin( 0.001 ) );
REQUIRE( 1.234f == Approx( dMedium ) );
REQUIRE( dMedium == Approx( 1.234f ) );
@ -120,7 +122,7 @@ TEST_CASE
double d = 1.23;
Approx approx = Approx::custom().epsilon( 0.005 );
Approx approx = Approx::custom().epsilon( 0.01 );
REQUIRE( d == approx( 1.23 ) );
REQUIRE( d == approx( 1.22 ) );
@ -169,9 +171,26 @@ TEST_CASE("Approx setters validate their arguments", "[Approx]") {
REQUIRE_THROWS_AS(Approx(0).margin(-2), std::domain_error);
REQUIRE_THROWS_AS(Approx(0).epsilon(-0.001), std::domain_error);
REQUIRE_THROWS_AS(Approx(0).epsilon(1.0001), std::domain_error);
TEST_CASE("Default scale is invisible to comparison", "[Approx]") {
REQUIRE(101.000001 != Approx(100).epsilon(0.01));
REQUIRE(std::pow(10, -5) != Approx(std::pow(10, -7)));
TEST_CASE("Epsilon only applies to Approx's value", "[Approx]") {
REQUIRE(101.01 != Approx(100).epsilon(0.01));
TEST_CASE("Assorted miscellaneous tests", "[Approx]") {
class StrongDoubleTypedef
@ -207,5 +226,3 @@ TEST_CASE( "Comparison with explicitly convertible types", "[Approx]" )
REQUIRE(Approx(11.0) >= td);
@ -1003,6 +1003,6 @@ with expansion:
"{?}" == "1"
test cases: 182 | 131 passed | 47 failed | 4 failed as expected
assertions: 896 | 779 passed | 96 failed | 21 failed as expected
test cases: 185 | 134 passed | 47 failed | 4 failed as expected
assertions: 904 | 787 passed | 96 failed | 21 failed as expected
@ -576,6 +576,22 @@ ApproxTests.cpp:<line number>:
REQUIRE_THROWS_AS( Approx(0).margin(-2), std::domain_error )
ApproxTests.cpp:<line number>:
REQUIRE_NOTHROW( Approx(0).epsilon(0) )
ApproxTests.cpp:<line number>:
REQUIRE_NOTHROW( Approx(0).epsilon(1) )
ApproxTests.cpp:<line number>:
REQUIRE_THROWS_AS( Approx(0).epsilon(-0.001), std::domain_error )
ApproxTests.cpp:<line number>:
REQUIRE_THROWS_AS( Approx(0).epsilon(1.0001), std::domain_error )
Approx with exactly-representable margin
@ -704,7 +720,7 @@ with expansion:
ApproxTests.cpp:<line number>:
REQUIRE( 0 == Approx( dSmall ).epsilon( 0.001 ) )
REQUIRE( 0 == Approx( dSmall ).margin( 0.001 ) )
with expansion:
0 == Approx( 0.00001 )
@ -798,6 +814,18 @@ PASSED:
with expansion:
Assorted miscellaneous tests
ApproxTests.cpp:<line number>
ApproxTests.cpp:<line number>:
with expansion:
inff == Approx( inf )
Bitfields can be captured (#1027)
@ -1293,6 +1321,24 @@ ExceptionTests.cpp:<line number>: FAILED:
due to unexpected exception with message:
custom std exception
Default scale is invisible to comparison
ApproxTests.cpp:<line number>
ApproxTests.cpp:<line number>:
REQUIRE( 101.000001 != Approx(100).epsilon(0.01) )
with expansion:
101.000001 != Approx( 100.0 )
ApproxTests.cpp:<line number>:
REQUIRE( std::pow(10, -5) != Approx(std::pow(10, -7)) )
with expansion:
0.00001 != Approx( 0.0000001 )
EndsWith string matcher
@ -1304,6 +1350,18 @@ MatchersTests.cpp:<line number>: FAILED:
with expansion:
"this string contains 'abc' as a substring" ends with: "this"
Epsilon only applies to Approx's value
ApproxTests.cpp:<line number>
ApproxTests.cpp:<line number>:
REQUIRE( 101.01 != Approx(100).epsilon(0.01) )
with expansion:
101.01 != Approx( 100.0 )
Equality checks that should fail
@ -4263,9 +4321,9 @@ with expansion:
ApproxTests.cpp:<line number>:
REQUIRE( 0 == Approx(0) )
with expansion:
0 == Approx( 0.0 )
inff == Approx( inf )
Message from section one
@ -7574,6 +7632,6 @@ MiscTests.cpp:<line number>:
test cases: 182 | 129 passed | 49 failed | 4 failed as expected
assertions: 895 | 775 passed | 99 failed | 21 failed as expected
test cases: 185 | 132 passed | 49 failed | 4 failed as expected
assertions: 903 | 783 passed | 99 failed | 21 failed as expected
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<testsuitesloose text artifact
<testsuite name="<exe-name>" errors="15" failures="85" tests="896" hostname="tbd" time="{duration}" timestamp="{iso8601-timestamp}">
<testsuite name="<exe-name>" errors="15" failures="85" tests="904" hostname="tbd" time="{duration}" timestamp="{iso8601-timestamp}">
<testcase classname="<exe-name>.global" name="# A test name that starts with a #" time="{duration}"/>
<testcase classname="<exe-name>.global" name="#1005: Comparing pointer to int and long (NULL can be either on various systems)" time="{duration}"/>
<testcase classname="<exe-name>.global" name="#748 - captures with unexpected exceptions/outside assertions" time="{duration}">
@ -111,6 +111,7 @@ ExceptionTests.cpp:<line number>
<testcase classname="<exe-name>.global" name="Assertions then sections/A section" time="{duration}"/>
<testcase classname="<exe-name>.global" name="Assertions then sections/A section/Another section" time="{duration}"/>
<testcase classname="<exe-name>.global" name="Assertions then sections/A section/Another other section" time="{duration}"/>
<testcase classname="<exe-name>.global" name="Assorted miscellaneous tests" time="{duration}"/>
<testcase classname="<exe-name>.global" name="Bitfields can be captured (#1027)" time="{duration}"/>
<testcase classname="<exe-name>.global" name="Capture and info messages/Capture should stringify like assertions" time="{duration}"/>
<testcase classname="<exe-name>.global" name="Capture and info messages/Info should NOT stringify the way assertions do" time="{duration}"/>
@ -146,11 +147,13 @@ custom std exception
ExceptionTests.cpp:<line number>
<testcase classname="<exe-name>.global" name="Default scale is invisible to comparison" time="{duration}"/>
<testcase classname="<exe-name>.global" name="EndsWith string matcher" time="{duration}">
<failure message=""this string contains 'abc' as a substring" ends with: "this"" type="CHECK_THAT">
MatchersTests.cpp:<line number>
<testcase classname="<exe-name>.global" name="Epsilon only applies to Approx's value" time="{duration}"/>
<testcase classname="<exe-name>.global" name="Equality checks that should fail" time="{duration}">
<failure message="7 == 6" type="CHECK">
ConditionTests.cpp:<line number>
@ -601,6 +601,38 @@
Approx(0).margin(-2), std::domain_error
<Expression success="true" type="REQUIRE_NOTHROW" filename="projects/<exe-name>/ApproxTests.cpp" >
<Expression success="true" type="REQUIRE_NOTHROW" filename="projects/<exe-name>/ApproxTests.cpp" >
<Expression success="true" type="REQUIRE_THROWS_AS" filename="projects/<exe-name>/ApproxTests.cpp" >
Approx(0).epsilon(-0.001), std::domain_error
Approx(0).epsilon(-0.001), std::domain_error
<Expression success="true" type="REQUIRE_THROWS_AS" filename="projects/<exe-name>/ApproxTests.cpp" >
Approx(0).epsilon(1.0001), std::domain_error
Approx(0).epsilon(1.0001), std::domain_error
<OverallResult success="true"/>
<TestCase name="Approx with exactly-representable margin" tags="[Approx]" filename="projects/<exe-name>/ApproxTests.cpp" >
@ -741,7 +773,7 @@
<Expression success="true" type="REQUIRE" filename="projects/<exe-name>/ApproxTests.cpp" >
0 == Approx( dSmall ).epsilon( 0.001 )
0 == Approx( dSmall ).margin( 0.001 )
0 == Approx( 0.00001 )
@ -828,6 +860,17 @@
<OverallResult success="true"/>
<TestCase name="Assorted miscellaneous tests" tags="[Approx]" filename="projects/<exe-name>/ApproxTests.cpp" >
<Expression success="true" type="REQUIRE" filename="projects/<exe-name>/ApproxTests.cpp" >
inff == Approx( inf )
<OverallResult success="true"/>
<TestCase name="Bitfields can be captured (#1027)" filename="projects/<exe-name>/TrickyTests.cpp" >
<Expression success="true" type="REQUIRE" filename="projects/<exe-name>/TrickyTests.cpp" >
@ -1433,6 +1476,25 @@
<OverallResult success="false"/>
<TestCase name="Default scale is invisible to comparison" tags="[Approx]" filename="projects/<exe-name>/ApproxTests.cpp" >
<Expression success="true" type="REQUIRE" filename="projects/<exe-name>/ApproxTests.cpp" >
101.000001 != Approx(100).epsilon(0.01)
101.000001 != Approx( 100.0 )
<Expression success="true" type="REQUIRE" filename="projects/<exe-name>/ApproxTests.cpp" >
std::pow(10, -5) != Approx(std::pow(10, -7))
0.00001 != Approx( 0.0000001 )
<OverallResult success="true"/>
<TestCase name="EndsWith string matcher" tags="[.][failing][matchers]" filename="projects/<exe-name>/MatchersTests.cpp" >
<Expression success="false" type="CHECK_THAT" filename="projects/<exe-name>/MatchersTests.cpp" >
@ -1444,6 +1506,17 @@
<OverallResult success="false"/>
<TestCase name="Epsilon only applies to Approx's value" tags="[Approx]" filename="projects/<exe-name>/ApproxTests.cpp" >
<Expression success="true" type="REQUIRE" filename="projects/<exe-name>/ApproxTests.cpp" >
101.01 != Approx(100).epsilon(0.01)
101.01 != Approx( 100.0 )
<OverallResult success="true"/>
<TestCase name="Equality checks that should fail" tags="[!mayfail][.][failing]" filename="projects/<exe-name>/ConditionTests.cpp" >
<Expression success="false" type="CHECK" filename="projects/<exe-name>/ConditionTests.cpp" >
@ -4875,10 +4948,10 @@ A string sent directly to stderr
<Expression success="true" type="REQUIRE" filename="projects/<exe-name>/ApproxTests.cpp" >
0 == Approx(0)
0 == Approx( 0.0 )
inff == Approx( inf )
<OverallResult success="true"/>
@ -8373,7 +8446,7 @@ loose text artifact
<OverallResult success="true"/>
<OverallResults successes="775" failures="100" expectedFailures="21"/>
<OverallResults successes="783" failures="100" expectedFailures="21"/>
<OverallResults successes="775" failures="99" expectedFailures="21"/>
<OverallResults successes="783" failures="99" expectedFailures="21"/>
@ -45,6 +45,11 @@ errnoParser = re.compile(r'''
''', re.VERBOSE)
sinceEpochParser = re.compile(r'\d+ .+ since epoch')
infParser = re.compile(r'''
\(\(float\)\(1e\+300\ \*\ 1e\+300\)\) # MSVC INFINITY macro
\(__builtin_inff\(\)\) # Clang INFINITY macro
''', re.VERBOSE)
if len(sys.argv) == 2:
cmdPath = sys.argv[1]
@ -102,6 +107,7 @@ def filterLine(line):
line = specialCaseParser.sub('file:\g<1>', line)
line = errnoParser.sub('errno', line)
line = sinceEpochParser.sub('{since-epoch-report}', line)
line = infParser.sub('INFINITY', line)
return line
Reference in New Issue
Block a user