wrote aw router (untested).

This commit is contained in:
Mario Hüttel 2016-08-21 18:52:11 +02:00
parent 212cbcac26
commit cc9223d089

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@ -22,14 +22,16 @@ end entity axi3intercon_aw_router;
architecture RTL of axi3intercon_aw_router is architecture RTL of axi3intercon_aw_router is
alias clk is aclk; alias clk is aclk;
type aw_state_t is (READY, ACTIVE, BLK); type aw_state_t is (AW_READY, AW_ACTIVE, AW_BLOCK);
type aw_states_t is array (0 to MASTER_COUNT - 1) of aw_state_t; type aw_states_t is array (0 to MASTER_COUNT - 1) of aw_state_t;
signal aw_states : aw_states_t; signal aw_states : aw_states_t;
signal write_locks_s : write_locks_t(0 to MASTER_COUNT - 1);
begin begin
aw_router : process(clk, rst) is write_locks <= write_locks_s;
variable slave_block : std_logic_vector(0 to SLAVE_COUNT - 1) := (others => '0');
variable slave_idx : integer range 0 to SLAVE_COUNT := SLAVE_COUNT; -- 1 more slave than connected for handling bad requests.
aw_router : process(clk, rst) is
variable slave_idx : integer range 0 to SLAVE_COUNT := SLAVE_COUNT; -- 1 more slave than connected for handling bad requests.
variable slave_in_use : std_logic_vector(0 to SLAVE_COUNT);
procedure calculate_slave(address : in std_logic_vector(ADDRESS_BITS - 1 downto 0)) is procedure calculate_slave(address : in std_logic_vector(ADDRESS_BITS - 1 downto 0)) is
begin begin
slave_idx := SLAVE_COUNT; slave_idx := SLAVE_COUNT;
@ -44,19 +46,44 @@ begin
begin begin
if rst = '1' then if rst = '1' then
for i in 0 to MASTER_COUNT - 1 loop for i in 0 to MASTER_COUNT - 1 loop
aw_states(i) <= READY; aw_states(i) <= AW_READY;
masters_in(i).awready <= '1';
end loop; end loop;
slave_block := (others => '0');
elsif rising_edge(clk) then elsif rising_edge(clk) then
for i in MASTER_COUNT - 1 downto 0 loop -- Loop for every master for i in 0 to MASTER_COUNT - 1 loop -- Loop for every master
case aw_states(i) is case aw_states(i) is
when READY => when AW_READY =>
if masters_out(i).awvalid = '1' then masters_in(i).awready <= '1';
if masters_out(i).awvalid = '1' and masters_in(i).awready = '1' and slave_in_use(i) = '0' then -- check awready. just to prevent glitches
calculate_slave(masters_out(i).awaddr); calculate_slave(masters_out(i).awaddr);
-- TODO: Write router itself write_locks_s(i).slave_idx <= slave_idx;
-- TODO: lock output write_locks_s(i).locked <= '1';
slave_in_use(slave_idx) := '1';
masters_in(i).awready <= '0';
-- output request to slave
slaves_in(slave_idx).awaddr <= masters_out(i).awaddr;
slaves_in(slave_idx).awid <= std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(i, WID_SLAVE_BITS - WID_MASTER_BITS - 1)) & masters_out(i).awid;
slaves_in(slave_idx).awburst <= masters_out(i).awburst;
slaves_in(slave_idx).awcache <= masters_out(i).awcache;
slaves_in(slave_idx).awlen <= masters_out(i).awlen;
slaves_in(slave_idx).awlock <= masters_out(i).awlock;
slaves_in(slave_idx).awprot <= masters_out(i).awprot;
slaves_in(slave_idx).awsize <= masters_out(i).awsize;
slaves_in(slave_idx).awvalid <= '1';
-- Active state waits for awready to be asserted
aw_states(i) <= AW_ACTIVE;
end if;
when AW_ACTIVE =>
if slaves_out(write_locks_s(i).slave_idx).awready = '1' then
slaves_in(write_locks_s(i).slave_idx).awvalid <= '0';
aw_states(i) <= AW_BLOCK;
end if;
when AW_BLOCK =>
if write_releases(i) = '1' then
slave_in_use(write_locks_s(i).slave_idx) := '0';
write_locks_s(i).locked <= '0';
aw_states(i) <= AW_READY;
end if; end if;
when others => null;
end case; end case;
end loop; end loop;